Okay lets get the booklets out....
Kutasi Zolt�n wrote:
> I would like to ask you 2 question in connection of chaos space marines:
> 1. May chaos marines use Razorback squadrons?
No, page 13 of the chaos book list specifically which units are allowed to
chaos space marines, if its not listed its not allowed.
> 2. What kind of units may count as forward observers for indirect barrage
> wepons mounted on daemon engins (e.g. doomblasters)?
Strictly speaking anyone can spot for indirect barrages. Alternate rules have
limited this ability to just those designated as foward observers. Demon
engines can not choose first fire orders so they can not indirect fire.
> 3. What kind of units may count as forward observers for indirect barrage
> wepons mounted on chaos marine vehicels (e.g. whirlwind.)
Only those designated as FO's if alternate ruling is used, otherwise anybody.
> For example chaos beastmen or trolls may obsereve indirect barage for a
> death guard whirlwind squadron?
If alternate rules are NOT in effect then they could.
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Received on Tue Apr 20 1999 - 22:14:47 UTC