Its no big deal to do so Kelvin and besides there are many with your opinion,
besides we have always been about alternatives, so the added alternative is
Kelvin wrote:
> At 04:58 PM 11/2/99 +0000, Peter spake thusly:
> Hi!
> >
> > Kelvin defender of orks everywhere hear this....
> Heh. I wouldn't call myself that. I just know I loved the Orkyness of the
> SM/TL Orks (they were the whole reason I got into miniature gaming in the first
> place!) and am not happy with the way GW is taking them with the current
> edition of 40K. The current Orks just seem to be lacking.
> >
> > heheh, I can agree partially with you, ork image has been stoopifyd (pun
> > intended) in recent times. Tell you what I'll leave the original names and
> > place orky names in parenthesis besides them, then those who wish to ignore
> > them can and those who like them can enjoy them. How that? I'm not much for
> > PC things but this sounds good.
> Hey Peter, its your brainchild! Whatever you do is fine. I'm just a bit
> passionate on this trivial subject for some reason. No need to change things
> too much on my account! I'll feel all embarrassed! <Shy, sheepish grin>
> >
> > Peter
> -Kelvin....
> ============================================
> "Of course I'm paranoid!
> Everyone's trying to kill me."
> ============================================
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Received on Wed Nov 03 1999 - 16:26:49 UTC