> One rules question for you, when a detachment is loaded into a
> Thunderhawk, what happens to the rhinos? Are they loaded to or are
> they left behind and become exempt from squad co-herency? Just asking
> because our opponent used a Thunderhawk with a detachment of Veterans
> onboard the Rhinos were left behind and I felt it was odd.
AFAK ,but 1 year far from the list could be fatal :o), you lost Rhinos (this is half right)
when you take other (flyng) transports (drop pod included).
yes you lose the rhinos "but only if you start the unit in the T hawk off the table". if you pick-up the unit on the first turn or any other turn,
or have the T hawk on the table at the start with the unit in its coherency, the rhinos are left behind
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Received on Tue Jul 24 2001 - 19:08:02 UTC