RE: [NetEpic ML] Poll results for netepic

From: Gavan Pearce <gavan_at_...>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 12:09:51 +1000


It really 5 people in Australia then. Marc was too slack to enter the poll.
So Marc and Gavan are in Canberra, in the same suburb of Deakin and the same
building, office and I can see the back of his head from my desk. Quite
convenient really.

Kelvin's in Brisbane, nice and warm but he's out in the cold when it comes
to finding players. So who are the other two.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kelvin Henderson [mailto:kx.henderson_at_...]
Sent: Thursday, 26 July 2001 12:03
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Poll results for netepic

>- Argentina
>- Australia
> - kx.henderson_at_...
> - gazbe_at_...
> - drakeular_at_...
> - kelm_at_...

Wow. There's four of us. I knew about Gavan (drakeulan) and Marc, but who
are the other two addresses then? I don't think I've noticed the other Oz
NetEpic listers! Bad Kelvin! So where do you live then?


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or I'll mop the floor with you."

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