From Australia

From: Kelvin Henderson <kx.henderson_at_...>
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 08:27:39 +1000

I've only just gotten back to work after being sick for a couple of days
and have spent those days watching horrified at the events that have
transpired in the U.S. For the last 48 hours, free-to-air TV here in Oz
has shown nothing but the disaster. It seems like something out of a
movie. At any moment I half expect some famous action hero to come
striding into the scene.

We all live out our lives oblivious to the dangers surrounding us, seen and
unseen, but I think the world has lost some of its innocence now. Each
time I watch the news and see the attacks in Ireland and Israel, I sadly
shake my head and wonder how people can treat each other in this way but
this has just blown my mind. We've had terrorist attacks before, but
nothing like on this scale.

My heart felt condolences go out to anyone on this list who's family or
friends are missing through this tragedy and my prayers (what few I have)
go to the American people. This is a dark time for our planet.

"Look, just give me some inner peace
or I'll mop the floor with you."
Received on Thu Sep 13 2001 - 22:27:39 UTC

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