Beacon Power

From: Albert Farré Benet <cibernyam_at_...>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 19:50:05 +0200

Beacon Power

I don't think it's too powerful. Actually, I think it's a sort of desperate measure to save one unit from a (probable) Psi attack once. Most of Psi attacks will destroy the Astropath at first "shot". What's not so clear is what happens when you cannot shot to the astropath, due to distance or cover. Then I'll just agree to ignore it. But I think that you shouldn't need LOS to the Astropath, as his mind can be seen by Psikers from a long distance.

So my proposal is: leave rule as is now but add: (...)may only fire at, or use (...) unless he is out of range. Note that Psikers that are within the radius of Beacon Power should also be able to spot it as Forward Observers (thus we give some more limitation to him).

What do you think?

Albert Farré Benet
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Trygve Bjørnstad
  Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 2:16 PM
  Subject: RE: RE: [NetEpic ML] Psychic revision: chaos part 1

  Ref. the Beacon power:
  I think an option could be to give some sort of save against the power, for instance: "Unless the Greater Daemons, Psykers, or Eldar Wraithguard/Dreadnoughts wins a contest of will against the astropath, the unit may only fire at, or target psychic/magic powers at the Astropath..." The contest of will could work in the same manner as the purge daemon power...

  And 100cm range might be a tad much?


    -----Original Message-----
    From: nils.saugen_at_... [mailto:nils.saugen_at_...]
    Sent: 18. september 2001 08:44
    Subject: RE: RE: [NetEpic ML] Psychic revision: chaos part 1

    So the range of the Cancellation power is reduced to 50 cm, the rest stays as it is then.

    However, I think we need to have a look at the beacon power also.

    This is how it is today:
    Beacon: The Astropath becomes a flaring psychic beacon. For the rest of the turn, any Greater Daemons, Psykers, or Eldar Wraithguard/Dreadnoughts within 100cm may only fire at, or target
    psychic/magic powers at the Astropath (they may violate the normal Command Unit rule to do so - the Psychic Beacon makes the Astropath visible to all Psykers on the battlefield).

    What does it really mean, do you have to fire all powers/weapons at the astropath even though you know that the astropath is out of range? If it only applies to those within range, the point of the power is sort of lost. Since the astropath doesn't have a psychic savingthrow it would be quite foolish, although noble, to activate this power when units with non physical psy powers is within range. Of course I'm perfectly happy with this rule as it is, but I guess my opponents, especially Eldar and Chaos, might or rather will call it foul play. I can already hear them display their exellent knowledge of different types of cheeses.

    So suggestions anyone?


      -----Original Message-----
      From: Albert Farré Benet []
      Sent: 17. september 2001 19:12
      Subject: Re: RE: [NetEpic ML] Psychic revision: chaos part 1

      I agree, 75 cm all around is a third (or a half) of the main playing area. 50 cm should be enough. Also think that if you want to arrive to other psykers you'll have to advance the Astropath and risk losing it in CC or due to nearby weapons.

      Albert Farré
        ----- Original Message -----
        From: eivind.borgeteien_at_...
        Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 3:20 PM
        Subject: Sv: RE: [NetEpic ML] Psychic revision: chaos part 1


        Fluffwise, I do agree, but in actual gaming we have great difficulties beating chaos. In our gaming group, chaos has only been beaten once, and that was by Slann 2.0 or something! (Gorgonzola vs Swizzerland ;-)

        Thats why I am against decreasing/deleting the unit too much. The 75 cm range is perhaps a little too much, so 50 cm is OK by me.

> Fra: jyrki.saari_at_...
> Dato: 2001/09/17 Mon PM 12:31:20 CEST
> Til:
> Emne: RE: [NetEpic ML] Psychic revision: chaos part 1
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: ext Peter Ramos []
> > Sent: 16. September 2001 15:53
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] Psychic revision: chaos part 1
> >
> >
> > Hi!
> >
> > Hmmm. you got a point there, I did not read that power for the
> > Astropath, the clarifications are mostly for the Slann's
> > nullify ability.
> >
> > I have reviewed the Astropath's power and come to the
> > conclusion that it
> > is too powerful, its too long range and it gets a too large a
> > bonus over
> > psykers that the fluff indicates are better at psychics than the
> > astropath, like Warlocks and Librarians.
> >
> > I would re-define the power as a range of 25cm (Astropaths are weak
> > psykers). If the power is from a card source (such as a chaos
> > card) its
> > a straight d6 roll, if he wins its cancelled. If its from a
> > psyker they
> > gain a +1 bonus the astropath none. If a greater demon or
> > Great mage its
> > a +3 bonus. Its much weakened, but more appropriate, given
> > that they are
> > cheap you could conceivably have a couple running around and
> > offer good
> > protection (the range makes it a defensive not offensive as it should
> > be) to nearby supported units. Plus unlike nullification it
> > can be used
> > every turn.
> >
> > Comments.
> >
> First of all, astropaths are not weak psykers. However, they are VERY
> specialized, namely on astrotelepathy, eg. very long distance
> communications. Nullification and psychic combat of ANY kind just isn't in
> their turf and personally I really can't see them hopping around the
> battlefield as they are just too valuable to risk. So my opinion is: delete
> the astropath. Battlefield psychics is the role of librarians and adeptus
> psykers.
> > Peter
> >
> Jyrki Saari
> -There is no such thing as free lunch because eating takes time and time is
> money.
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