Sv: RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: Tau units/stats

From: <eivind.borgeteien_at_...>
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 12:24:47 +0200

>Armour Save of only 5+? I'd have thought they would be tougher than
>this. I haven't seen the Codex yet (it hasn't gotten to Australia yet) but

>I would have thought they would be just a little tougher than that.

They are the equivalent of Terminators, actually they have poorer armour
save than terminators in 40k. To reflect this I've given them the same save
as terminators.

----->If they have poorer save in 40K, they should have poorer save in epic also. Maybe they then turn out to be too weak, but then again, mabybe the termiesave in epic IS too weak? :-)

Well, Im not going to start a major quest to upgrade the termies, Im just going to mention it when happens to come up. (More like a sidequest really... :-))

> Fra: nils.saugen_at_...
> Dato: 2001/10/03 Wed AM 08:41:05 CEST
> Til:
> Emne: RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: Tau units/stats
> My comments to your comments.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kelvin Henderson [mailto:kx.henderson_at_...]
> Sent: 3. oktober 2001 00:45
> To:
> Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: Tau units/stats
> >>XV8 Chrisis Battlesuit:
> >>The TAU Jump packs are more advanced than their imperial counterparts.
> (Inner
> >>Sphere/Grey Death Legion battlearmour by FASA, if they are obtainable
> >>anymore)
> >I'd suggest some of the GZG Dirtside Walkers. They are about 7-10mm high
> >and are basically Patlabour-style walkers.
> >>Suggested stats:
> >>MV: 20cm AS: 5+* CAF: +2 WPN: Plasma Rifle/Burst Cannon RANGE: 50 cm/35cm
> >>NUMBER OF ATTACKS: 1/3 TO HIT: 4+/5+ AS: -2/0 Moral: 3
> >>Jumppacks, Armour midifiable to 6+ but not further.
> >Armour Save of only 5+? I'd have thought they would be tougher than
> >this. I haven't seen the Codex yet (it hasn't gotten to Australia yet) but
> >I would have thought they would be just a little tougher than that.
> They are the equivalent of Terminators, actually they have poorer armour
> save than terminators in 40k. To reflect this I've given them the same save
> as terminators.
> >>XV88 Broadside Battlesuit
> >>These are the heavy support units of the TAU army, the Broadside is
> equippet
> >>with a pair of very powerfull Rail Guns and a smart missile rack. (Inner
> >>sphere/Grey Death Legion battlearmour from FASA)
> >Again, I suggest the GZG Dirtside Infantry Walkers.
> >>XV15 Stealth Battlesuit.
> >>These troopers are regarded as loners and excentrics by the TAU. The
> operate
> >>in small squads behind the enemy line. (GZG has an excellent miniature for
> >>this unit, but I have only seen pictures of it, I can send them if
> >>nessecary)
> >Please do! Don't send the pictures to the list, but try and post a URL
> >where we can see them. I know most of the GZG minis and would love to see
> >a pic of the one you are suggesting.
> OK,
> It is the trio second from the left.
> >>Hammerhead
> >>This is the TAU MBT. Built on the sucsessfull Devilfish Consept exchanging
> >>the cearrying capacity for more heavy Armour/weaponry. (Eldar lookalike
> >>heavy skimmer tank from GZG, again have the picture but not the name
> Usable
> >>for both Devilfish and Hammerhead)
> >>Suggested stats:
> >>MV: 20cm AS: 3+ CAF: +2 WPN: Ion Cannon RANGE: 75cm NUMBER OF ATTACKS: 2
> TO
> >>HIT: 5+ AS: -2 Moral: 3
> >>Skimmer.
> >Aren't there two versions of the Hammerhead? One with the Ion Cannon and
> >one with a Railgun? I remember seeing the minis and thinking "Wow, these
> >look very cool".
> Yes indeed, you are correct. We should add some more vehicles anyway, how
> about calling the Hammerhead with the railguns a Barracuda?
> Nils
> -Kelvin....
> "Look, Just give me some Inner Peace
> or I'll mop the floor with you!"
> -the Immortal Sage, Homer Simpson
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