Sweet! You know the rule though...send it to Tom for Incoming!
I like the bio-shock, ouch!
eivind.borgeteien_at_... wrote:
> Hi
> I have noticed that the Trygon is the only superheavy without a
> detailed damage
> table. I have taken the liberty of making one from Jyrkis template.
> One problem I came across was that the Trygon has no bolter-type
> weapon, so I
> reduced the mainweapon somewhat in stead. Does anyone have any better
> ideas?
> Eivind
> Trygon Damage Table
> D6 Result
> 1 The heavily armored exoskeleton of the creature mostly absorbs the
> shot with
> only minor damage being suffered. Place a damage marker as normal.
> 2 Penetrating shot damages the weapon system. The Bio-Shock now hits
> on 4+.
> Additionally, its CAF is reduced to +6.
> 3-4 Roll on the Critical Hit table.
> 5 The shot blasts through the Trygons, exoskeleton, destroying
> most of the creature's vital organs. The Trygon is destroyed.
> 6 Bio-Shock hit! The Trygon bursts apart in a massive explosion.
> Center a blast
> template on the Trygons position. Anything at least half under the
> template must
> make its basic save or be destroyed.
> Trygon Critical Hits
> D6 Result
> 1-2 The muscles moving the Trygon forward are paralyzed. The Trygon
> may no
> longer move.
> 3-4 Explosion shreds the weapon nerves. The Trygon loses its Bio-Shock
> weapon.
> 5-6 The shot severely hurts the head of the Trygon giving it a brain
> concussion.
> >From now on, you must roll a die when you try to move the The Trygon
> or fire
> its weapon. On a 4+, you may take the action you wish to take. If this
> roll is
> failed, the Trygon will fail to do anything in that phase.
> New cost for the Trygon Brood Card: 125
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Received on Mon Oct 15 2001 - 21:38:55 UTC