Net Epic Background

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2001 08:44:04 -0500


Here's some stuff I was thinking about, feel free to change/delete/add.

Era of Legend

This era is shrouded in mystery concerning the events surrounding the birth
of the Emperor. But Man was very primitive then and there were other races
that dominated the galaxy at the time.

The oldest race were the Slann. It is uncertain where the system that gave
them birth lies in the vast universe. It is theorized that they are an
evolved form of amphibian, much like the amphibians of Terra, but even this
is speculation. many rumors exist that the Slann seeded many Galaxies with
life and that even Man owes its existence to them. Although this is rejected
by many races no one doubts the Slann's age and technological might. It is
believed that the Slann were the first to discover the Warp and how to use

The Warp is a parallel dimension closely intertwined with out own existence.
However, distance and time flow differently through it than the material
universe. Therefore a short journey there can result in a passage of
hundreds or even thousands of light years, thus making travel through the
universe possible. The Slann mastered this technology and were able to
explore and colonize vast regions of the universe. The Warp has its dangers

The material universe and the Warp are so closely linked that the thoughts
and actions of sentient beings are reflected within it. The Slann realized
this and were able to attune their thoughts and actions to benefit the Warp.
They erred in one aspect however. They did not foresee how other races would
affect the Warp. Man would change the Warp forever.

Eons ago in Man's prehistory the Warp was "felt" by those attuned to it.
These men were know by many names: Druids, Shamans and Wizards. They could
see into it and derive power from it. In those days Man was more in step
with nature and balance thus the Warp benefited as well as Man. Then came
the dreams. Mystics the world over started to have prophetic dreams about
horrors the Warp would spawn. They realized in the distant future Man would
succumb to these horrors unless some talisman of guardian could be found.
Much debate ensued and a solution was found. It was a terrifying solution.
Mystics would have to sacrifice themselves and all they knew to produce one
being that focused all their power. A being that would live forever and have
mastery over the Warp like no other. A being to be knows eons in the future
as the Emperor-savior of mankind!

Quietly without fanfare a child was board in Anatolia and thus the
incredible saga of the Emperor began.

Era Of Guidance

The Child grew as all children do, not realizing full well his powers or
purpose. Upon reaching manhood it was apparent he was no mere mortal. He was
taller, stronger more intelligent than those rustics he lived with. In short
order he was the brunt of Man worst of vices- violence. He learned a
valuable lesson early on in that he could not just present himself and rule
over mankind. Man was too young, too unsophisticated to accept an immortal
man. Envy and fear would cloud their judgment. So started his Nomadic life,
ever doomed to move on before others realized he was different.

The would be Emperor then embarked upon raising mankind's prospects so they
too would one day be as he was. With infinite patience he tread down that
path. While powerful the Emperor is not omniscient. He made mistakes along
the way-costly ones. In the beginning he sought to increase Man's knowledge,
he gave them great technological insights. It was too much too quickly. As
would happen many times man turned against man and with the knowledge he
gave them they almost destroyed themselves. His first great work reduced to
rubble and but a memory. That memory was Atlantis.

Man recovered and civilization began to flourish. It is no coincidence that
myths concerning certain cultures were similar. The Babylonian Gilgamesh,
the Greek Zeus and even the Pharaoh God-kings were all the Emperor in
different guises. Each a seed nurtured to its germination.

History progressed. Man slowly climbed up the social and technological
ladder becoming ever more sophisticated. With advancement came a price.
Man's aggressiveness blossomed as violence was the common currency of the
early age. With it came the birth of Khorne-chaos god of war. Man was a
bloodthirsty race and sacrifices to him were never in short supply.
As government became more complex, political intrigue, deceit and double
dealing were very common. Thus Tzeentch Lord of Lies and Deceit came into
being. When man finally learned to harness energy and his society became
industrial the balance with nature was shattered. Pollutant poisoned the air
and seas, decay and filth and disease were now eternal human companions.
Thus Nurgle- Lord of pestilence and disease was born. The Emperor was aware
of this as were the Chaos gods of him. Each bided their time.

The twentieth century marked the end of the Era of guidance. Man was quickly
becoming adept at mastering technology. The Emperor decided it was time for
Man to go beyond the confines of Terra. Man made his first feeble steps into

Received on Mon Nov 05 2001 - 13:44:04 UTC

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