Sv: [NetEpic ML] New Astropath

From: <eivind.borgeteien_at_...>
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 17:35:24 +0100

I dont really understand what an Astropath is doing on the battlefield at all. He is a messenger and a non-combat unit with none of the mentioned powers. The physicue of the Astropaths is severely damaged by the powers of the warp, so he cant reelly master the strains of the battlefield. He is also far to valuable to be taken out by a stray shot.

I thought we buried the astropath some time ago, so lets at least give him another name, a background, maybe a covert organization of some kind run by the inquisition. There should not be a lot of theese people hanging around...


> Fra: nils.saugen_at_...
> Dato: 2002/01/21 Mon PM 03:07:44 CET
> Til:
> Emne: [NetEpic ML] New Astropath
> BM__Toc421943692Hi,
> I've taken the liberty of making a New Astropath for the IG army list. This
> Astropaths powers are more defensive and not at all as powerfull as the
> previous one! He is a Seer and a Protector!
> Comments please!
> Nils
> BM__Toc422053485Astropath
> The blind psychic seers ubiquitous on Imperial worlds and in Imperial
> service, Astropaths can occasionally be found serving in a direct battle
> capacity for the Imperial Army. The Astropath is a Command unit, he can
> issue orders to a unit within coherency distance (6 cm) like the Commissar.
> The Astropath has three psychic powers, though only one may be used per
> turn:
> * Guidance: The Astropath may site for artillery through the eyes of
> others. There must be an Imperial unit within 25cm of the Astropath that can
> see the target to be fired at, and the artillery detachment being sited for
> must be within 75cm. If both conditions apply, then the artillery may fire
> indirectly without having to roll scatter dice (artillery which always use
> the dice regardless of indirect fire, such as the Doomweaver, must still
> roll them).
> * Precognitive Direction: The Farseer may shift the given orders of
> one unmoved Imperial unit within 25cm by one category in either direction
> along the following progression: Charge--Advance--First Fire.
> * Psychic Shield: This protective power gives all Imperial stands
> within 15 cm, includeing the astropath, a psychic saving throw of 5 or 6 on
> a D6. Once activated, this power remains active untill the next orders
> phase.
> Models: Use commander or Commissar models from GW Imperial Guard sprue or,
> Chaplain or other special characters from GW Space Marine sprue.
> Astropath
> 10 cm
> None
> +0
> Laspistols
> 25 cm
> 1
> 5+
> 0
> Special Rules, Commander
> Special Card:
> Astropath
> Astropath stand, Rhino
> Stand*
> -
> 1
> 100

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