RE: [NetEpic ML] Docs

From: Tom Webb <Webbsoft_at_...>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 20:56:40 -0000


I am in the middle of a monster update to the site, so there will be
corruption for the next few days. I will post on the mailing list as soon as
the site is functional again sorry for the inconvenience. Files are
uploading as I send this, but 60 meg of files (the total size of the NetEpic
website), on a 56k modem is not fun :).


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Warren Coleman [mailto:warren.c_at_...]
  Sent: 13 February 2002 18:26
  To: NetEpic Group
  Subject: [NetEpic ML] Docs


  Can you help, tried to open Version 4.1 on my computer but system will not
let me no Acrobat Reader, down loaded Version 5 and tried again but not
allowed as system said there was a flaw with the down load'possibly
corrupted via an e-mail?' Please help I only want to play the game.

  Or has anyone got all of V4.1 on HTML?



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Received on Thu Feb 14 2002 - 20:56:40 UTC

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