-----Original Message-----
From: ext Peter Ramos [mailto:primarch_at_...t]
Sent: 08. February 2002 0:23
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Interesting 6mm miniatures
>In my meanderings around the net I found this fledgeling company who is releasing a 6mm >fantasy game. The twist for the background are very interesting and they will produce >very large models that look extremely suitable for chaos titans or Tyranid Bio-titans. In >their gallery they have some airship models that make excellent overlord gubship.
The arcs seem to me just like chaos titans and the war machines would make perfect daemon engines.
>The founder of the company stated on the miniature page forums that the first mini game >he played was epic first edition! I think it shows in his model designs and concept art.
>The site us: http://www.zn-games.com
>Take a look around a let me know what you think.
I must say the Industrial Gothic looks interesting. VERY interesting. I think I'll have to take a closer look which means I will be $20 poorer soon. How on earth do you keep uncovering these new games!!??? You will hold a shared responsibility of my upcoming financial collapse due to excessive hoarding of wargames! :P
Jyrki Saari
-There is no such thing as free lunch because eating takes time and time is money.
Received on Mon Feb 18 2002 - 07:55:24 UTC