Space Marine chapters should be able to get hold of some small numbers of crusaders without having to uppgrade their whole 1 st company. To represent this, I think they should be able to by single terminatordetachments with Crusaders in stead of Land Raiders.
What should the price be?
250? (Same as the regular detachment)
The upgrade for a whole company is a special Card to 100 points so I think the detacment should cost 275. What do you think?
> Fra: "Weasel Fierce" <septimus__at_...>
> Dato: 2002/03/11 Mon AM 10:37:37 CET
> Til:
> Emne: Re: Sv: RE: Sv: [NetEpic ML] Land Raider Crusader?
> >My mistake, I didnt include the number of attacks. The Crusader has 4
> >bolters, 1 assault cannon and 1 multi melta.
> Ahh..everything makes sense now :)
> >
> >In 40 K, the Landraider and the Rhino has the same movement. The Crusaders
> >purpose is to take the infantry right up to the enemy lines and then
> >provide support. In netepic this is more correctly represented by giving
> >the Crusader a greater move. To compensate this, the save has been reduced
> >to 3+
> I can see the reasoning behind this
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