RE: [NetEpic ML] Dreadnoughts and robots.

From: Millett, George <George.Millett_at_...>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 10:19:52 +0100

Actually no.

It is a very large drop pod and it does not need a space port in one of the
short story compilations it describes the deployment of 2 Warlord titans on
to a planet with no technology greater than spears and animals.

Where as the normal marine drop is rather fast designed for surprise attacks
the Descent of the Titan was very controlled with the pod having quite a bit
of mobility for a craft of its size.

-----Original Message-----
From: jyrki.saari_at_... [mailto:jyrki.saari@...]
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 9:53 AM
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Dreadnoughts and robots.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ext Millett, George [mailto:George.Millett_at_...]
> Sent: 02. April 2002 11:54
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Dreadnoughts and robots.
> The drop pods would be a good idea. You'd think even the
> tech-priests could
> make pods of different sizes.
> They do. How do you think the titans get on to the planet :).

On drop ships. LARGE drop ships which require a spaceport to land.

> Please note this is not a request for Titans to deploy during
> the battle it
> would take far to long. + be very overbalancing.
> G

Jyrki Saari

-There is no such thing as free lunch because eating takes time and time is

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