Thanks Wayne!
-----Original Message-----
From: eldarepic [mailto:eldarepic_at_...]
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 3:21 PM
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: Revision Line-up
--- In netepic_at_y..., "Peter Ramos" <primarch_at_c...> wrote:
> Hi!
> Here's who we got line-up as project leaders:
> Core rules
> Armies of the Imperium- Jyrki, Weasel, Josh
> Defenders of the Imperium- Jyrki, Weasel, Josh
> Chaos- Mete, Josh
> Tyanids- Kirk Troy (this will be bumped forward or left to at the
end as
> per Kirk's free time)
> Eldar- Lorenzo,(eldarepic)- I'll need a name.
> Squats- Albert (after July 6th).
> Orks- Brandu
> Slann- Rune
> Tau- Emiliano, Chris
> Note the order it is all done can and will change. As one book ends
> another begins, I will contact the next leader in line to see if his
> time requirements have changed or not and depending on the response
> we'll do "x" or "y" book.
> Also if further people want o jump in and help as project leaders
> may do so.
> I will no commence to prepare to start all this and to send any
> files. I suggest that the project leaders familiarize themselves
> their books and as time permits to write down comments/changes/new
> to put forth when the time comes.
> Peter
S.N. eldarepic, the name is Wayne Huggins.
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Received on Sat Apr 06 2002 - 22:09:10 UTC