Kelvin, I like your Armor System, even better than the one in Incoming.
It would address the armor thickness problem, little titans having less
vs. big titans having more, without giving up the titan templates.
A couple of things I don't like about it. It would make all titans even
tougher than they are now, and I'm pretty happy with thier current
strenghs and weaknesses. The other problem, as I see it, is that all
the titans would have to be adjusted and ballanced against each other.
That would take a lot of work, and playtesting.
I really do like your idea though.
Kelvin wrote:
> At 12:28 PM 12/9/99 +0100, you wrote:
> >Wilding K wrote:
> >>
> >> I think titans are very well balanced. Without shield Imperial titans
> >> are suddenly fragile. Eldar titans are vulnerable to barrages (perhaps
> >> too vulnerable)
> >
> >Yes maybe give them better armor will be a good thing, but anyway Eldars
> >have better cards to play than titans
> I've been thinking on this and while I agree that they shouldn't be
> all-powerful, I do think that Titans (especially the Imperial ones) are
> still a bit too fragile once the shields go down. Now while one remedy is
> to increase the saves or to allow them to save on 2D6 (but then what to do
> about the Imperator?), I have an alternative suggestion: Ablative armour
> points.
> Each hit location on a Titan could have its Save value and an Armour Rating
> (eg- a Warlord Titan could have a Save of 2+ and an Armour rating of 3 on
> its Front Reactor location). When a Titan is hit in a location, roll for
> the save as normal. If the save is failed, then that location loses one
> point of Armour Rating. If there are no Armour Rating points left, then
> the cumulative fire has penetrated to the interior and the damage is then
> rolled for on the damage table as per the old rules. Some weapons
> anti-Titan weapons can be exceptions that either inflict more than one
> damage point to the Armour Rating (like Volcano cannons) or simply bypass
> it altogether and damage the location directly (like the Warp Missile or
> Vortex Missile).
> This system has the benefit of not having to change much we currently use
> for Titans except for adding the Armour Ratings and making minor
> adjustments to some weapons. Book keeping can be kept to a minimum by
> simply having the Armour Ratings listed on the Templates inside the
> location boxes with the Save values (perhaps have the ratings as little
> boxes that can be crossed out as the damage accumulates). We can give more
> protection to locations that have been seen as too vulnerable in the past
> without making them too protected and still leave other areas more
> vulnerable. Plus it will increase the survivability of Titans without
> making them too powerful (I think).
> How's that sound to everyone?
> -Kelvin....
> ============================================
> "Of course I'm paranoid!
> Everyone's trying to kill me."
> ============================================
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>, A Community Is Born
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Received on Fri Dec 10 1999 - 06:16:22 UTC