There was a time, many years ago, when all troops
looked the same. There was only one epic Marine mini,
one Ork mini, one Eldar mini, and so on (and I still
have hundreds of them on the sprue). No minis had
jump packs or heavy weapons. The only way to
distinguish HQ units was to paint them a different
colour, or fly a chapter flag from those stupid little
flagpoles that snapped off so easily. Of course a
flag quickly became a target! People could (and did)
convert a stand to represent an officer, but at the
scale we are talking about, how easy is it to spot an
insignia on a shoulder pad from the other side of the
battlefield? Different minis quickly solved that
problem and now there is a good range for most races -
perhaps too good? Some of those banners are two or
three storeys high! Why not just paint a bullseye on
them? :)
But people DO like the fancy minis for their HQ units,
and they look cool on the table. So any solution will
need to be implemented via the rules, not via the
> In that case Im going to use these scout stands for
> my warlord titans next game... :)
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Received on Fri Apr 26 2002 - 07:00:10 UTC