Re: [NetEpic ML] Son Of HQ Targeting

From: Weasel Fierce <septimus__at_...>
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 16:51:56 +0000

>Ok - I'm a bit confused here. As I understand it Weasel, your idea is: 'You
>have to roll double sixes to target an HQ and lose the fire if you don't.'
>Please correct me if I'm not understanding something. For the basic 5+
>To-Hit roll this works out to 1-in-108 shots fired at an HQ will hit.
>Firing at an HQ is completely worthless.
>You object to my idea of: 'target on 1-in-6 and they transfer damage on
>5-in-6' because "Its next to impossible then". The odds are in fact exactly
>the same, but you get more casualties my way.
>I believe the term is "irreconsilable differences." :)

hehe, I think we may have been talking past each other :)

My idea is...if a model wish to target a HQ, you must roll a 6 on a single
die or loose your fire.

If that roll is a 6, you can fire normally at the HQ.

My objection was to adding a "look out sir" roll to the equation as well.


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