Correspondence with Jervis

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 19:10:22 -0400


I finally bit the bullet some time ago and do what I never thought I'd
do. I wrote a letter to Jervis regarding Epic Armageddon.

The letter was very positive in demeanor and basically laid down what I
thought of most of his design choices. I tried to convey that although I
and most Net Epic'ers don't like epic 40k, that his changes looked
pretty good and that he was going in the right direction.

Of importance was that in his response he indicated he will make
available to the internet community, from the fanatic site, a playtest
version of the final rules including army lists, so we may "test" them.
I thought that was a very good idea as well as a novel one (for GW that

Once it becomes available (he didn't mention when) I will alert everyone
and we should give it a sound testing. This is a unique chance to
influence a game not yet in print. Make no mistake CAN make a difference
and I conveyed to Jervis that there is a "bucketload" of people on this
list who are "watching" this games development.

The goal is to coordinate the testing and the critique and then send it
all to him. He seems very keen on getting feedback so I figured we can
give it to him.

Received on Wed May 01 2002 - 23:10:22 UTC

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