I don't suppose you could email them to me as well and I will upload them
to the site.
A banners section would be pretty cool.
Steve Kerry <steve_kerry_uk_at_...> on 02/05/2002 10:27:01
Please respond to netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Warp Runners banner
> IIRC there's a banner in the old plastic warlords
> box which I am fortnate enought to have. I'll dig it
> up. Their symbol was a black circle surrounded by a
> white sunburst with possible some smaller symbols.
Yep, that's the one. Black circle and white sunburst
on a blue field, and the rest of the flag in yellow
with a 'Divisio Militaris' banner. If you can scan it
for me, I can finally get the whole lot of them (and a
couple of Reavers) to look coherent instead of a
random jumble of titans! That would be much
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on this list! There must be very little indeed that
we cannot find between us all.
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