[v5.0] Core Rules: Fliers and stuff

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 17:28:40 -0400


It seems we have two proposals: Emiliano's and Jar's for fliers. It
doesn't surprise me much that its been relatively quiet with that
particular topic since I know most people treat this as optional anyway
and most don't use them.

Top make the long story short I would like Jar and Emiliano to make a
"clean and detailed "copy" of their proposed rules and send it directly
to me. I will go through them and discuss directly with the authors once
I have the two rules and any modifications I will repost them here for
final comments.

All things considered the MOST likely thing that will happen is that I
will include BOTH and let time sort them out.

Received on Thu May 02 2002 - 21:28:40 UTC

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