For 3rd Ed it is a 12 inch jump as movement (same as any other jump pack)
and a 2d6" jump in the assault phase after shooting in any direction by 1
squad member will die on a double
For 2nd Ed the was a safe jump limit of about 20" give or take with a max
difference of 30" split between movement phase and after shooting but before
combat, (this also allowed a jump into combat). The second jump was
progressively more difficult the more of the max safe distance it took you.
Also if the target of a warp jump charge was on overwatch you couldn't shoot
them as they came in as they suddenly materialised.
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Kerry [mailto:steve_kerry_uk_at_...]
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 1:04 PM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Warp spiders
> --------->Only one I can think of off hand is the
> Warp spiders
It is not a long range teleport, and if they do it
more than once a turn (such as warp in, fire, then
warp away again) there is a test each roll to see if
they are lost to the warp. At least I think that is
how it works, any 40K Eldar players care to help?
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