New Site Content

From: Tom Webb <tom.webb_at_...>
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 10:33:36 +0100 is expanding.

Please note there is now the following new sections:

Empire of the Stars - Support for a NetEpic / BFG campaign system.
Battlefleet: Gothic - A direct replacement for Star Conflict, a fleet
combat game which deals in EPIC Scale fleet engagements, ties in well with
EOTS and NetEpic
Online Store - For a limited time, 20% off all VOID miniatures. All people
who have made existing orders will still receive the discount providing the
order has not been completed yet.

Coming soon:

EPIC 40k: Armageddon - Pending permission from the GW legal team.

Please note, it is work in progress and there is no BFG content, and a few
bugs in those new sections exist (with the exception of the online store).

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