Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_...> on 27/05/2002 13:40:51
Please respond to
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] New poll for netepic
>The "outsiders" view on this one:
>Such walkers should only be able to travel in units with a transport
>capacity of 3 or more, and then take up 2 transport spaces each. This
>prevents things such as Rhinos carrying large walkers which simply would
>fit in, but also allows for a simple ruling rather than having a heap of
>individual cases having to be defined (Dreds in Thunderhawks....
>in Vampires etc..)
>Paul "TuffSkull" T.
Unfortunately, that restricts any walker from Drop Pods - they've got a
capacity of 2. I like the idea of a Dreadnaught in a Rhino - it makes the
Rhino vaguely worthwhile. I also like the idea that if you upgrade your
troop transport to a Razorback or Chimera you can't carry walkers anymore.
A nice balance there, I think.
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