>1. Dismounting troops from transport. Couldn't find anything on this.
>In the end we assumed half a turn for mounting/dismounting.
it should cost 5 cm movement for both the vehicle and the grunts if I
remember it right.
>2. Leader movement. Do leaders have to activate to move? This one
>arose when I wanted to move a leader to place him closer to another
We play leaders as a very small battlegroup so yes
>3. Visibility ranges and spotting. At what distance can units be
>identified to be fired upon? We are more used to historical games
>where target location and visibility are based on the game's ground
There are no visibility used. Troops carry scanners and similar equipment to
make such rules moot.
>4. Reactive Fire. Why do units have to take both a Morale Test and
>and Activation test to issue reactive fire? This appears to add more
>dice throws, and doubles the chance of failing, without offering any
>advantage to game play. As reactive fire would be initiated at the
>unit level and probably not co-ordinated at a higher lever, we
>thought a simple Reactive Fire value might be allocated to each troop
>type. This would require a single success or fail dice roll.
>Incidentally, poor quality troops could have a rating which makes it
>compatively easy for them to reactive fire - this would have the
>effect of allowing them to fire more easily than moving, representing
>the tendency of green troops to simply stay put and blaze away at
>long range etc.
You dont have to do both I think. I may be wrong here, but the way I read
it, you simply make an activation roll to reaction fire.
>5. Close Combat procedure. This was the one that stumped us - we
>couldn't figure out the process and gave up after several tries. It
>seemed a bit over complicated to us, particularly when it got into
>the realsm of column shifts and the various modifiers.
I can get back with a detailed explanation but I think Peter can do it
better than me anwyay :) So I'll leave that to him
>Finally, the rules did actually prompt me to dust off my space
>marines etc. More interestingly they have even inspired me to start
>work on some 6mm science fiction terrain and buildings for TimeCast
>(about a year ahead of schedule!). I have several masters on the
>workbench representing a recently established colony - lots of bubble
>domes, solar power panels, life support units and hydroponic tanks
>etc embedded in rock outcrops etc. If all goes well these will be
>available in a couple of months.
Very very cool :)
How many lives will be taken today?
How many times will we just look away?
Pennywise - One voice
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