RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: Heresy II Feedback (long post)

From: Weasel Fierce <weasel_fierce_at_...>
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2002 16:52:06 +0000

>Instead of penetration being translated into dice thrown, it instead
>represents a modifier to a die roll. Thus penetration is d10 +
>penetration stat. I combined this with an altered armor stat that was
>also a modifier to a d10 roll thus armor was: d10 + armor stat. It would
>be an opposed roll between the two. If the firer rolled higher the
>weapon penetrates and destroys the unit. If the defender rolled higher
>the shot was stopped. This markedly reduces die rolling due to
>penetration rolls and gives the other player a sense of being able to
>defend his vehicle with an opposed roll. It also introduces a lot of
>variability since you are never quite sure if you'll penetrate.

I like this part. COuld work well, and would make one hit one kill shots
less likely than with the current system

>Now couple this with a way to lower firepower dice. The mechanism is
>similar to the above. The firepower stat would be a bonus to the d10 to
>hit (more firepower = easier to hit) and change the accuracy state to an
>evasion stat which would depend on model size (in other words how easy
>it is to hit something), large models get a penalty to their evasion
>roll and small quick ones a bonus. It would be opposed roll. If the
>shooter rolled higher you hit, see if you penetrated (as above). IF the
>defender rolls higher he evades the shot and it misses.

Ths I do not like hwoever. A titan weapon or assault cannon only capable of
killing a single target ?

I'd say keep the multiple attacks but simplify penetration


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Received on Thu Jun 06 2002 - 16:52:06 UTC

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