That is where an online directory of proxies would help.
<rune.karlsen6_at_...> on 18/06/2002 14:06:05
Please respond to
Subject: Sv: RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: More proxies
great idea! Its hard to find out the correct size sometimes,
specially when there are no pictures in scale.
> Fra: <jarreas_at_...>
> Dato: 2002/06/18 Tue PM 02:47:29 CEST
> Til:
> Emne: RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: More proxies
> >Very true. Epic has the worst adherence to scale of any game out there
so using 6-10mm will usually work out okay.
> >
> >Peter
> Would a mention of model sizes be useful? I
> m unsure of defining any sort of scale, but how about suggestions on the
order of:
> infantry: three to five models fit comfortably on a 20x20mm base
> walkers: one or two fit on a 20x20mm base
> vehicles: 2 to 3 cm long, 1 to 2.5 wide
> knights: 2 to 4 cm tall - a regular 28mm Space Marine works nicely as do
25mm power-armor figures
> Would anyone find that sort of thing useful? Not an actual scale, but
something to judge non-GW-anctioned models by?
> -Yar
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