I prefer the first version as well.
"Millett, George" <George.Millett_at_...> on 24/06/2002 15:40:22
Please respond to netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
To: "'netepic_at_yahoogroups.com'" <netepic_at_yahoogroups.com>
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] [v5.0]The last but not the damned?
>> Which fluff on the Ravenwing does NetEpic support? The original one (
From Epic Space marine and 40K 2nd Ed ) where all DA bikes and landspeeders
are in the Ravenwing and no other company has any fast attack vehicles
(bikes + the various forms of Landspeeder) or the new one where the is
the Ravenwing but the battle companies can have "normal" Landspeeders?
IMHO the original bit of fluff is far better than the current bit of Fluff
which was introduced for the second Ed of the 40K 3rd Ed Dark angels codex
(or should that be Codex Dark Angels 3.1) to allow DA access to the new
Landspeeder Typhoon model with out giving it to the Ravenwing company.
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