RE: [NetEpic ML] New file uploaded to netepic

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2002 15:27:18 -0400


The optional book is a work in progress and will not be finalized until
the revision is over. Although you point out a good amendment limiting
one special character for every 3000 points. I think that should be
added. I wouls also stick to those listed as things like Ghazkul are too
"cheesy" but perhaps will be added in a severely reduced form, we'll

I also like the idea of a special character substituting a HQ for the
extra cost. We should include that as well.

The leviathan and colossus costs are backwards, the colossus should be
600 and the leviathan 450, not the other way around. The capitol
imperialis remains at the same price since it's not much better than the

Thanks for picking up the mistakes.


-----Original Message-----
From: darius spano [mailto:dmanspano_at_...]
Sent: Thursday, July 04, 2002 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: [NetEpic ML] New file uploaded to netepic

I read over some of the characters and bits that
interested me. Anyway, the characters are a nice
flavor but some of them are too powerful. Also Njal
for the Space Wolves is in the Space Marine Battles
book as well as Ulrik and Ragnar and the Ork
cheeseball character who is so powerful that if you
happen to lose with him you either had bad rolls or
were sleeping. I could see keeping it to a limit on
characters, ie: every 3000 points = 1 character
selection but never more than 3.
The tables were good as well. The SH damage table is a
good one to have around, we use that in our group.
I think the alternative pricing for the Leviathan is
way off at 600 points, I thought that was the Capitol
Imperialis. The Capitol Imperialis was costed out 350
on the table, is this correct? Why if it is correct
per optional rules? Anyway are these new costs?
Because it makes the Leviathan the most expensive of
the Squat Praetorians when it is actully one of the
weakest of the 3. Anyway, I think there are some nice
optional rules/units, use what you and your
opponent/group like and ditch the rest. I always
thought characters were a nice touch but I think that
everyone taken must also take the slot of an Co HQ
unit, "not only do you pay for the special card but
the character replaces the HQ". That is the way it
should be.
--- wrote:
> Hello,
> This email message is a notification to let you know
> that
> a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the
> netepic
> group.
> File : /Non-image folder/New units and
> rules/Yar's Proposals & Stuff/01 Net Epic Core Rules
> v5D.doc
> Uploaded by : yar_underwood
> <jarreas_at_...>
> Description : Delta release
> You can access this file at the URL
> To learn more about file sharing for your group,
> please visit
> Regards,
> yar_underwood <jarreas_at_...>

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