RE: [NetEpic ML] Old journal epic articles...

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 15:27:29 -0400


It would be good if anyone who has them to scan them so I can expand a
database of old articles I am constructing. I have everything except
CJ's so any help is appreciated.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mr_Beat_Master [mailto:Meistro_at_...]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 2:56 PM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Old journal epic articles...

Greetings denizens of NetEpic. I am in need of assistance! I require
the following articles from early editions of the citadel journal
(Journal issue they appear in is listed next to article):
#1) Random Armies: draw your forces; includes a scenario
#1) EPIC Knights: rules for using knights in EPIC (may include Eldar
#2) Storm The Breach: urban combat with buildings and fortifications
#3) Inner Force: expanded psychic system for EPIC
#4) The Power Within: Rune Priests, Adeptus Psykers, and Chaos Magi
for EPIC
#4) Snakebite Cyber-Wyvern: rules and conversion tips for these Orky
flyers in EPIC
#5) EPIC Special Characters: for Orks and Squats
#9) Legions of Chaos: rules for including Chaos Titans on your EPIC
#9) Goffik Rokkers: rules for fielding deeze boyz with your EPIC orkz
#10) Mega Wars (pt 1): campaign system for EPIC
#10) Legions of Chaos: another Chaos Titan for EPIC
#11) Mega Wars (pt 2): Campaign System for EPIC
#11) EPIC Characters: Warp Spiders, Legion of the Damned Marines, and
Imperial Confessors for EPIC
#12) Dreadnought Assault: modelling tips for making 40K style Marine
Dreads for 40K
#13) Abominatus, Despoiler of Worlds: rules and datacard for Adrain
Wood's Imperator Titan of Khorne in your EPIC army
#14) Steel & Stone: new EPIC unit cards for the Squats in Epic
#15) The Kalamata Conflict: mini-campaign for EPIC
#16) The Everchanging Faces of Chaos: rules for using the Warp Palaces
of Tzeentch in EPIC
#17) The Storm, The Hunter & the Seer: 3 special cards for Epic
If anyone could provide a scan of the article or a website where these
articles exist I would be most appreciative!

- Zedmeister

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