[NetEpic ML] Re: R: chaos titan

From: Peter Ramos <pramos2_at_...>
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 16:50:04 -0600


I definately agree, and this will be a prime target once we get to the army
lists, we'll make the appropriate changes.

> Reading the army list (net epic army list) I don't see any reference to
> particular compulsory weapons for the banelord with the sole exception
> a much expensive tail with a cannon and the head, at least reading the
> notes.
> Is this a bug in the list?
> If yes I don't see the real value of it because with the same cost
> (somethink less) I can buy an imperial titan with much better weaponery,
> in any case what are the weapon for the banelord?
> In my recent game I used a banelord armed with a plasma cannon against an
> eldar army, because it can't stay in first fire it was destroyed with ease
> by some tempest (6), if I used a reaver titan with the same weapon i could
> stay on first fire, shoot back and stay alive one more turn because it
> doesn't have a 2+ reactor in the front!
> Stefano Andreoni
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Received on Mon Dec 20 1999 - 22:50:04 UTC

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