RE: [NetEpic ML] Jervis' letter on EpicA...

From: <nils.saugen_at_...>
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 09:23:37 +0200

Long Live NetEpic! :)

There is however, one very vital reason for why we old style fanatics would
want to se GW succed with their Epic A. That is miniature avalability!!!
GW/Forgeworld makes some of the best minis around!


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephane Montabert [mailto:kotrin_at_...]
Sent: 18. oktober 2002 09:20
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Jervis' letter on EpicA...

I don't want to start a war, but frankly, to me it
appears Jervis' move are a deliberate (and quite
desperate) attempt to get NetEpic players back into GW
customer base.

I knew it would happen and nonetheless I've decided to
drop GW. I refuse to listen to deadly mermaids !

I had read NetEpic rules and they seemed great.
Epic:Armageddon was already in the pipe when I saw
this old Space Marine box in my gaming store. The
owner warned me: "buy this if you want but remember
that's it's an out-of-print product line !".
So be it.
After two years, I own several armies - tyranids,
Eldar, IG, SM, Knights, Squats. Purchased on e-Bay,
taken from old store stocks. All on square bases. All
with their NetEpic booklet.

There's NO WAY I'll ever get back in GW area (from the
rules point of view).
From every version of EpicA i've read, it seems to me
that Jervis is trying to redo Epic without telling it.
GW know the power of NetEpic and fears it. Frankly,
why do you think Forgeworld produced Tau with
round-base individual models rather than the
rectangular 5-man tray defined for EpicA ? Because of
us !

Epic Armageddon is far worse than NetEpic, and I hope
that with version 5.0 things can go only better.

Long live NetEpic !


Stephane "The Guy Without A Nickname" Montabert
"It's better to enlarge the game than to restrict the players." -- Eric

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