There certainly can be a section for battle pictures and a gallery. One of
the main things I wanted to address with the EPICentre rebuild was ease of
maintainence. Now it is a very simple matter to add pages and material.
Give me a few days to find an automated solution but if all else fails I
will do it manually.
darius spano <dmanspano_at_...> on 02/11/2002 13:38:33
Please respond to
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Where has Net Epic gone???
Just a quick note to ask the question, "Where has
everyone gone?"
One thing I wanted to bring up is the web-site. Not
critism but can there be/is there a section where we
can submit battle pics? I know we can do this on the
list. But a monthly feature of Battle pics would be
great (I know a lot of work for the webmaster to put
up and take down). Also a section on a gallery of
proxies in use.
Hope to hear from you.
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