They will ALL be revised, hopefully all by Thanksgiving. The old lists
do not jive with the newer rules amendments, so they cant be used.
I'll do the marines first then the rest in short order.
By the way, what do you like about? Have you tried it? Play testing on
your part is worth its weight in gold for further development.
Let me know!
-----Original Message-----
From: johnleahy55 [mailto:JLEAHY5555_at_...]
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2002 3:53 PM
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: [NetEpic ML] We like Heresy YES WE DO!
We like Heresy yes we do. We like Heresy HOW about you!
Ok, now that is out of the way. :) Peter are you going to revise the
Praetorians, Titans, Pdf, Slann and Sisters as well? Or are there
lists ok? How soon will the marines list be done?
Thanks and keep up the GREAT job!!!!!
John Leahy
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Received on Sat Nov 23 2002 - 21:39:35 UTC