RE: [NetEpic ML] Manufacturer of Buildings in Scenery Photos

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 18:13:48 -0400


I had forgotten those were there as well as who put them. I think it was
Ron Dubray, but I may be wrong.

And yes, it's a big sign with my name on it <just kidding>


-----Original Message-----
From: Maximillian [mailto:max200_at_...]
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 11:18 PM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Manufacturer of Buildings in Scenery Photos

Who owns the scenery in the Scenery Photos section?

I recognize the GZG Microtac stuff ans some others that look like
Timecast Scenics in addition to the original AT-1 and SM-2 cardboard
buildings with plastic roofs, but some of the other stuff makes me

Who manufactures the "lakeside" resorts?

How about the ruined brick building?

The damaged multistory building in the middle of the city across the
street from the GZG Microtac tower?

What does the GZG Microtac tower say on its' side (I could only read -
MOS, which I'm guessing is for Peter RAMOS)?

Thanks for any help and Shalom,

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