Indulging in nostalgia

From: Gunnar Strand <Gunnar.Strand_at_...>
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2003 00:42:18 +0100


I am new on the Netepic list, but have been playing Epic
since about 93-94. We have had Epic shelved around here
for a while but we are about to reopen the boxes and start
blowing things up on the tabletop again using the 2ed

I am actually not new to the netepic group, as I was on
a mailing list way back in '94 when everything was pretty
much starting up. I even founded and ran the epic mailing
list for a year or two on my university account until my
computer access was dropped when I left. At that time I
was designing an epic map tool for a net epic campaign
(which I think was the start of the Netepic rules, IIRC)
and today I found it, unpacked it and recompiled it.
Aaah...the memories. Don't think it ever got used, though.

Discovering that Netepic still lives (and thrives it seems,
by the number of mails on the list) was a joyous surprise,
and it looks like you all have been busy as I downloaded
version 4.1 yesterday. Very nice!

Anyway, thanks for all the terrific work and may your dice
always roll sixes.


Gunnar Strand
Received on Mon Jan 06 2003 - 23:42:18 UTC

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