Just checking havent seen any post in 24 hours +.
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Lawson [mailto:kurmark_at_...]
Sent: 27. desember 1999 16:55
To: netepic_at_egroups.com
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: Revision Possibility: SCALING
> I agree, I just had a brainstorm and threw the idea out there :) You have
> write this stuff down as the inspiration strikes you. I currently working
> a manuscript I'm going to submit to a game company and believe me, if you
> don't write the stuff down as soon as possible you WILL forget what you
> trying to do :)
I have been working with a handful of players lately writing a space combat
game so I know what you mean. What kind of game are you working on?
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Received on Tue Dec 28 1999 - 15:51:11 UTC