RE: [NetEpic ML] Tarantula Variants

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 19:55:35 -0400


I got no problem with these. They can be added as optional to the
corresponding book if everyone agrees.


-----Original Message-----
From: darius spano [mailto:dmanspano_at_...]
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 12:13 AM
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Tarantula Variants

At my gaming group we were discussing the Tarantula
and the fact that in 40K there were variants. In Net
Epic it is the standard Lascannon at 100 pts. Why not
a multi-melta or auto cannon version? The multi-melta
would fire the same way but have a shorter range
(35cm) and more powerful TSM (-3) and the auto cannon
would get 2 attack dice at 50cms and fire the same way
as the normal version. This way they would all be
priced the same. I don't know but "variety is the
spice of life".
Yes a Net Epic convention would be cool. One could be
set up at local cons like Cold Wars in Lancaster, PA
next month. Just a thought.

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