--- In netepic_at_yahoogroups.com, Jarreas Underwood <jarreas_at_m...>
> >Why in your codex there are still there the "daemon engines"
> attribute if it works only for korne engines?
> I'm under the impression that the rules I listed for Daemon Engines
apply to all of them, not just the Khorne ones. If this is wrong, let
me know.
this is a old question:
read this
and then this
> >Why there is not specification about minion daemons size? are they
infantry ?
> Unless something is listed as being non-infantry, it's infantry.
However, it's a good point and I should put in a label somewhere.
> >Why there is not the list of Lord of battle weapons?
> Again, I'm under the impression that the LoB gets two fixed and
three other weapon you had to purchase & pay for. That's why I left
those three blank spaces.
ok, but for my question:
the answer is this:
and on an old WD (where it appears for the first time) ther are only
few weapons.
> >And then I say: is this the "base" codex for the final version of
5.1 ? Or we must integrate the Antichrist version ?
> The files labeled 5-dot-letter are the rough drafts for the 5.0
rules. I'm taking ideas (like the one-page titan templates) from
Antichrist, but not everything. As you reaffirmed, this should be a
collaborative effort, not one from just a few people.
> -Yar
I hope that the base chaos codex for our discussion will be an union
between your codex, Antichrist codex and the old 4.1 codex.
Received on Tue Mar 04 2003 - 16:56:02 UTC