>> I'm under the impression that the rules I listed for Daemon Engines apply to all of them, not just the Khorne ones. If this is wrong, let me know.
>this is a old question:
>read this
>and then this
Well, it guess it is an old question. I'll change things when I have a chance. Thanks!
>>>Why there is not the list of Lord of battle weapons?
>> Again, I'm under the impression that the LoB gets two fixed and three other weapon you had to purchase & pay for.
>ok, but for my question:
>the answer is this:
Fascinating. All I did was copy the 4.1 template - it also has three blank spaces and says "see titan weapons list for available weapons". There's nothing in the LoB's description that limits weapons, either. Hey Peter - what's up with this?
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Received on Tue Mar 04 2003 - 22:49:38 UTC