RE: [NetEpic ML] Gutbuster Weapons: Q's

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 18:38:46 -0400


Oh, I get confused by all the traffic <grin>

Regardless of origin is a mighty fine idea!!


-----Original Message-----
From: darius spano [mailto:dmanspano_at_...]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 10:13 PM
Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Gutbuster Weapons: Q's

Thanks Peter but I think you meant Kelvin. I really
like his rule. If we could ever brainstorm all the
house rules out there I know we could find some more
winners like this one. After weeks of the Chaos thing
I hope we could have a poll on this rule and a least
make it optional.
--- Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...> wrote:
> Hi!
> Well it seems Darius's idea for this rules has won
> critical acclaim!!
> I must say, after much, thought, I cannot think of
> any downside to it
> and it nicely eliminates most of the complaints
> people had with this
> weapon. The all or nothing aspect of it has been
> successfully
> neutralized with this rule.
> Peter
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kelvin Henderson
> [mailto:kx.henderson_at_...]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 7:11 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [NetEpic ML] Gutbuster Weapons: Q's
> > > That's a very interesting and clever rule. I
> like it a lot.
> > >
> > > What do other people think?
> >
> >I like it! But since I am the honored Grand Master
> of the Fireswords
> titan
> >legion I may be just a little bit biased...
> >
> >Jyrki Saari
> Well, as a big Orky player I was the first person to
> like the normal
> rules
> for the Gutbuster Ball. But after using it twice, I
> decided that it was
> silly and too powerful. So I suggested that we play
> it using the "loses
> 1
> cm of its roll distance for every shield knocked
> down" rule. Everyone
> liked it. It just feels right to me. Sure, as the
> Ork player I'd
> prefer
> it to roll further and kill more stuff, but it just
> feels better to me
> that
> the shields slow the ball down as it crashes through
> them. I've had
> times
> where the Ball has crashed through all the shields
> on the Warlord,
> smashed
> its legs out and then gone on to splatter the
> ShadowSword Command tank
> behind it. But I've also has days where the ball
> hit two shields, went
> "Klunk" and then had to spend the rest of my gunfire
> taking out the rest
> of
> the shields. I've even had a pansy Space Elf
> Phantom play David Beckham
> with the ball round off both its feet! (It later
> got painted in Arsenal
> colours!)
> -Kelvin....
> "Zathras is used to being beast-of-burden. Very sad
> life.
> Probably have very sad death. But at least there is
> symmetry."
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