[5.0] Tyranid revison (long)
We’ll continue to get the ball rolling along as we now tackle the Tyranid list.
There has been little complaint about this list over the years, which is amazing considering that the rules for how tyranids work were totally redone by Paul Lipori back in first edition netepic. The 6 years of play testing establishes it as a solid army list with little problems. Of course it needs some updating as newer units may need to be added.
To be frank after re-reading the tyranid book, I found nothing I would like to change or modify, so you will so NO comments below, but I have posted the whole book so as to facilitate everyones inspection of it.
As always here’s the army list as it appears in 4.1 (in order to reduce message size the formatting has been omitted and only the text preserved, please refer to the original document if you have any questions).
Tyranids are an intergalactic race completely alien to any of the other races in known space. To represent this a number of special rules apply to the Tyranids.
Note: The following rules differ substantially from the rules provided in the Tyranid supplement. Players may still benefit from having the Tyranid supplement, as some special templates have not been replicated in this rule set. For Hive Mind cards, the following rules discard all Orders cards and keep the remainder.
Special Rules
Building Swarms
Tyranids choose their troops differently than Ork, Eldar or other armies. Instead of purchasing company and Support Cards, the Tyranid player chooses Broods or Individual creatures to represent a Swarm. Tyranid Broods operate as individual detachments in the NetEpic game. Each Tyranid army swarm must include at least one Dominatrix as the army core, and is limited to no more than one Dominatrix per 3,000 points of force, summarized as follows:
Force Points Value Number of Dominatrix that may be taken
Up to 3,000 points 1
3,001 to 6,000 points 2
6,001 to 9,000 points 3
9,001 to 12,000 points 4
Etc. Etc.
Tyranid individuals and Broods are designated as either a Slave brood or a Synapse brood.
Slave Broods represent Tyranid creatures that require constant direction from the hive mind to operate effectively. When selecting Slave broods the Tyranid player must have sufficient Command Points in the swarm and may only take a number of slave broods up to the total number of Command Points in the swarm. For example, since the swarm must include a Dominatrix, the minimum number of command points in a Tyranid force is 6, which would allow the inclusion of up to 6 slave broods.
Synapse Broods represent powerful links to the hive consciousness. Synapse broods have three important functions that are described below and summarized in the Synapse Creature Table.
Command Points - Indicate the number of Slave broods that can be directed. The sum of this value for all Synapse broods in the swarm represents the maximum number of slave broods that may be included in a Tyranid army.
Hive Mind Radius - The radius in centimeters within which orders can be given to slave broods
Hive Mind Points - Used to determine the number of Hive Mind cards generated each turn
Synapse Creature Table:
Synapse Creature Command Points Hive Mind Radius Hive Mind Points
Dominatrix 6 40 cm 5
Hive Tyrant 3 25 cm 2
Harridan 1 10 cm 1
Tyranid Warriors 3 10 cm 1
When purchasing the Tyranid swarm it is important to purchase enough Synapse broods in order to be able to adequately command the slave broods that form parts of the swarm.
Tyranids and Orders
Tyranid broods operate similarly to detachments and must maintain a 6cm coherency at the end of the movement phase. This unit coherency applies even when using instinctive orders (explained below). For the purpose of determining orders, there are three types of Tyranid creatures Commanders, Independents and Instinctive Creatures:
Commanders - Represent special and powerful psychic creatures. These creatures obey the standard NetEpic rules for command units. They always move as if on Charge Orders and fire as if on First Fire orders.
Independents - These are self-determining creatures that do not require links to the hive mind in order to function. Independent broods are treated just like any other NetEpic troops. They can be given Advance, Charge or First Fire orders during the orders phase.
Instinctive - These are creatures with rudimentary intelligence which, without direct control from the hive mind, will act on their own natural impulses. During the orders placement segment, Instinctive broods within the Hive Mind Radius of an unbroken Synapse brood may be given orders just like any other NetEpic detachment. After orders have been placed and initiative has been determined, any Instinctive broods that are broken must make a Hive Mind test. If this test is failed the brood will revert to their instinctive orders. During the orders segment, Instinctive broods outside of the Hive Mind Radius of an unbroken Synapse Brood will automatically be given instinctive orders. When moving under instinctive orders, Tyranid broods must maintain unit coherency, when possible, and will move as a unit towards the nearest enemy detachment.
Instinctive Orders:
Rampage - Rampaging creatures must move double their normal movement allowance, during the Charge Movement segment, directly towards the nearest enemy models that are not already engaged in close combat. Rampaging models move in a straight line, even through normally impassable terrain such as cliffs or Doomweaver templates. If a rampaging model moves into contact with an enemy model it will stop and fight them during the close combat segment. Rampaging creatures will not make ranged attacks. Any rampaging model that enters impassable terrain is not automatically destroyed. Instead, roll a D6: on a 1-3 it is destroyed as normal, on a 4-6 the model manages to keep going through the impassable terrain. Roll only once each turn the Rampaging model remains in impassable terrain.
Hunt - Hunting creatures will move at their normal movement rate, during the Advance Movement segment, towards the nearest enemy model not already engaged in close combat. The creatures will move into close combat if possible and will move around impassable terrain. If the creature is not in close combat during the combat phase it will use any range attack during the Advance Fire phase and target the nearest enemy model, even if the model cannot be damaged by the fire.
Nest - Nesting creatures will not move, but will shoot at the nearest enemy model during the First Fire segment of the combat phase. This is not the same as First Fire orders; the Nesting model may not use Snap Fire, and will target the nearest model regardless of other concerns.
Tyranids and Morale
Tyranids broods do not take morale checks of any kind and consequently are never placed on Fall Back Orders. Against Chaos, Tyranids are not subject to the special Daemon rules nor are they vulnerable to any attack that requires a morale save. When a Tyranid brood takes sufficient casualties to be considered broken, the brood tends to lose contact with the Hive Mind and must immediately take a Hive Mind test. Commanders and Independent broods automatically pass this test. If an Instinctive brood fails this test the brood will immediately revert to Instinctive orders, regardless of whether or not the brood has acted that turn. This may result in the brood no longer being able to fire.
Tyranids and Victory Points
When fighting the Tyranids, the opposing force gains Victory Points as normal, for capturing objectives and breaking Tyranid broods. The Tyranids on the other hand, are not concerned with capturing objectives and are instead intent on destroying all enemy life. The following special rules apply to Tyranid victory conditions:
Tyranids do not gain any Victory Points for objectives.
Tyranids receive Victory Points as normal for breaking enemy units.
Tyranids receive a unit’s Victory Points again when the unit is completely wiped out or forced to flee off the board. For units that have no Break Point or are a single model, the Tyranids receive double the Victory Points for the model/unit when the model/unit is destroyed.
Example: A Warlock has no Break Point. When the Tyranid player kills the Warlock the player is awarded 2 VPs instead of 1.
When playing an Assault scenario Tyranids follow normal victory conditions and must always be the assaulting force.
Special Note: For other special scenarios or even regular games it may be appropriate to make adjustments to these victory conditions or to opponent’s choice of troops in order to make a playable game. For example, since the Tyranids have no Thrusters, it is possible for an unscrupulous Space Marine player to keep one stand from each company off board in Thunderhawk and thus deny the Tyranid player even the possibility of gaining enough VPs to complete the scenario. To thwart such a heinous ploy the Tyranids need but wipe out the stands or units currently on the table to gain double VPs, thus canceling any benefit of employing this tactic.
Hive Mind Cards
Channeling psychic energy on the battlefield manifests the single coordinating will of the hive mind. To represent this the Tyranid army generates Hind Mind Cards during the course of the game. Use the Hive Mind card deck from the Tyranid supplement and remove all of the Orders Cards. The number of Hive Mind cards a player will receive per turn is dependent on the Hive Mind points generated from unbroken Synapse broods in the Tyranid force. To determine how many Hive Mind cards, sum the Hive Mind Points for all unbroken Synapse broods in the army. For every 5 Hive Mind points, dropping all fractions, the Tyranid player receives one Hive Mind card.
Example: A Tyranid force containing 1 Dominatrix, 1 Hive Tyrant, 2 Tyranid Broods and 1 Harridan would generate 5 + 2 + 1*2 + 1 = 10 Hive Mind points, which would entitle the Tyranid player to 2 hive mind cards. If there were a total of 14 Hive Mind Points the player would still only receive 2 Hive Mind cards.
At the beginning of battle the Tyranid player receives the number of Hive Mind cards represented by his starting Hive Mind points value. The player will receive additional Hive Mind cards, during the end phase of each turn. As the very first action of the end phase the Tyranid player may discard any unused Hive Mind cards and draw new Hive Mind cards to replenish up to the allowed amount based on current Hive Mind Points. If the existing hand has more cards than the allowed amount of Hive Mind cards the player must discard cards to bring the number down to the new maximum.
Playing Hive Mind Cards - Hive mind cards are played either as instructed on the card or during the combat phase. Any references to the psychic phase are considered to be the First Fire segment of the Combat Phase. All Hive Mind powers, including Psychic Barrage, are considered non-physical psychic powers for the purpose affecting enemy units and models.
See the end of this booklet for the full list of Hive Mind Cards.
Multiple Wounds
Some Tyranid creatures are so tough that they will not die the first time they fail a saving throw. These creatures are represented as having multiple wounds. Place a wound marker next to the model each time it fails its armor save. When it has accumulated as many wound markers as it has wounds the creature is killed and removed as a casualty. Enemy commanders may continue to pour fire into downed multiple wound creatures, hits are automatic, but armor saves must be made as normal.
Creatures with multiple wounds suffer more damage from close combat than from shooting attacks. A creature with multiple wounds will suffer 1 wound for each point it loses a close combat. These creatures may be close assaulted when down and as such the creature does not roll any close combat dice for determining results.
Models that can regenerate are not automatically removed after taking wounds equal to their total. Instead place the model on its side. During the end phase of the turn the regenerating creature may attempt to heal any wounds suffered. Roll a D6 for each wound the creature has taken, on a 4-6 remove the wound counter. If after attempting to heal wounds the creature still has more wounds than its wounds value it is removed.
Important Note: Some weapons or abilities slay the model I its directed at. In the case of Tyranids with multiple wounds these weapons inflict as many wounds as the model has. These wounds may be regenerated in the normal fashion except if the attack is a non-physical psychic attack-in that case they are irrevocably destroyed (these attacks usually do not leave anything behind to regenerate).
Example: A Hive Tyrant is hit by a Doomweaver attack; normally models hit by this weapon are destroyed. The Hive Tyrant takes 2 wounds (because it has two wounds to begin with. If it had more wounds it would receive as many wounds necessary to bring it down) and its placed on its side at the nearest edge of the template, but not on another template. It may regenerate normally since this is not a non-physical psychic attack. If the attack were by a Vortex Missile (non-physical psychic attack) the Hive Tyrant would be destroyed and removed from play (may not regenerate). Models with psychic saves can, of course, nullify non-physical psychic attacks.
Tyranid Infantry and Walkers
Devourer Swarms
These are swarms of small, very food-oriented critters. Fortunately for the Tyranid advance, they can eat pretty much anything. Think of the millipedes from David Gerrold's War Against the Chtorr. Chomp, chomp, and chomp.
Models: Old Chaos Nurgling bases or other 1/300 scale fat and ugly looking alien models.
Gargoyles are a winged infantry unit and are classed as skimmers. Gargoyles are Slave creatures and are subject to the Hunt instinct. Gargoyles are armed with a special flame spurt attack, which ignores to hit modifiers for cover. To represent their ability to range ahead of the swarm, Gargoyles are permitted to make one charge distance move following setup and prior to the first turn. This move may not bring the Gargoyles within 5 cm of any enemy model.
Models: GW plastic models from the Tyranids sprue.
Genestealer are close combat specialists of the Tyranids. Genestealer are Slave creatures and are Independent, so receive orders normally.
Models: GW plastic models from the Tyranids sprue.
Hormagaunts are mindless close combat creatures. Hormagaunts are Slave creatures and are subject to the Hunt instinct. Due to their speed and aggressive nature, Hormagaunts on Charge Orders are allowed to move up to triple their basic movement distance.
Models: GW plastic models from the Tyranids sprue.
Lictors are the advance scouts of the Tyranid swarm. Lictors are Slave creatures and are Independent, so receive orders normally. Lictors have constantly changing chameleon like scales that allow them to blend into surrounding terrain. In game terms this means no enemy may shoot or target indirect barrages at Lictors unless the firing or indirect spotting unit is within 25 cm of the Lictors. Additionally, these scales gives the Lictors a fixed save of 6+ on a D6 against enemy fire. To represent the ability of Lictors to range ahead of the swarm, Lictors are permitted to make one charge distance move following setup and prior to the first turn. This move may not bring the Lictors within 5 cm of any enemy model.
Models: GW plastic models from the Tyranids sprue.
These are basic infantry unit of the Tyranid swarm. Termagants are Slave creatures and are subject to the Hunt instinct.
Models: GW plastic models from the Tyranids sprue.
Tyranid Warriors
Tyranid Warriors are the elite infantry units and serve as lesser Hive mind interfaces. Tyranid Warriors are Synapse creatures and are Independent, so receive orders normally. As a synapse creature an unbroken unit of Tyranid Warriors has 3 Command Points, a Command Radius of 10CM, and generates 1 Hive Mind Point.
Models: GW plastic models from the Tyranids sprue.
These models are powerful psykers who use their warp energy to compensate for their physical weakness. Zoanthropes are Slave creatures and are subject to the Nest instinct. Zoanthropes are cumbersome creatures and are considered Walkers for movement. Zoanthropes use psychic powers to protect themselves, which is reflected by a psychic save of 4+ and a fixed armor save of 5+. The Zoanthrope has a powerful Warp Blast, a physical psychic attack, which will hit on a 5+ if on Nest or First Fire Orders, or a 6+ if on Advance Orders. The Warp Blast counts as an anti-aircraft weapon and may be used against Flyers without the Snap Fire -1 to hit penalty.
Models: GW plastic models from the Tyranids sprue.
The Zoats are the advance forces of the Tyranids. Very independent, many of these scouting forces go freelance, deciding against a return to the parent swarm. They can, however, be found serving the Tyranids in a direct capacity as combat troops, should there be a paucity of, say, Genestealers.
Models: Suitably mutilated and painted Chaos Juggernauts or any 1/300 or slightly larger similar models.
Troop Type Move Saving Throw CAF Weapons Range Attack Dice Roll to Hit TSM Notes
Devourer Swarm 10 cm - +2 None - - - - Rampage
Gargoyle 20 cm - +1 Flamespurt 25 cm 1 5+ 0 Infantry, Slave, Instinct: Hunt, Skimmer, Ignore Cover, Move 40 cm Forward After Set-up
Genestealer 15 cm - +6 Claws - - - - Infantry, Slave, Independent, Elite
Hormagaunt 10 cm - +2 Claws - - - - Infantry, Slave, Instinct: Hunt, Triple Move on Charge
Lictor 15 cm 6+ fixed +4 Flesh Hooks 25 cm 2 5+ 0 Infantry, Slave, Independent, May not be Targeted From Over 25 cm Away, Move 30 cm Forward After Set-up, Elite
Termagant 10 cm - +1 Fleshborers 25 cm 1 5+ 0 Infantry, Slave, Instinct: Hunt
Tyranid Warrior 10 cm 6+ fixed +5 Deathspitter 50 cm 2 5+ -1 Infantry, Synapse, Independent, Elite
Zoanthrope 10 cm 5+ fixed +1 Warp Blasts 50 cm 1 5+ or 6+ -6 Dreadnought/Walker, Slave, Instinct: Nest, Psychic Save 4+, Psychic Attack, AA Unit
Zoats 15 cm 5+ +5 Barbed Stranglers 50 cm 2 5+ 0 Independent, Elite
Special Units
This special creature represents a Tyranid brood mother and war beast. These huge creatures are combination psyker and bio-giant. Dominatrixes are Tyranid Synapse creatures and are Command units. Dominatrix are considered of the Titan/Praetorian class although they follow their own special rules and do not posses a hit location template, have 4 wounds and can regenerate. Dominatrixes are affected by the special rules for multiple wound creatures. As a synapse creature the Dominatrix has 6 Command Points, a Hive Mind radius of 40 cm, and generates 5 Hive Mind Points. Additionally, any Tyranid brood within 25 cm of a Dominatrix will pass Hive Mind tests automatically. Dominatrixes are powerful psychic creatures and have a psychic save of 2+.
Dominatrix are terrifying close combat opponents. Any enemy units engaged in close combat with a Dominatrix must make a morale check at the start of the close combat segment. If failed the unit goes on Fall Back Orders and suffers a -2 on it close combat value. Robots or other models that do not take morale checks are immune to this rule. Dominatrixes that enter close combat with a unit that is already broken, will force two moral checks: one for a broken unit in close combat and one for terror.
A Dominatrix may use one of the following psychic powers during the combat phase of the turn:
Warp Field: This power generates an aura of protective warp energy. While protected by the warp field roll a D6 for each hit on the Dominatrix, including close combat damage: on a roll of 3+ (ignoring any save modifiers) the hit is nullified by the warp field. The Warp Field affects warp missiles, Wave Serpent waves and any other physical attacks. Once cast, the Warp Field will last until the beginning of the next Combat phase. This is a non-physical psychic power.
Energy Pulse: The Dominatrix unleashes a powerful psychic energy pulse. Use the special 3cm by 12cm psychic pulse template to represent the Energy Pulse area of affect. Place the energy pulse template anywhere in line of sight of the Dominatrix up to 100 cm away. The template may be positioned to face in any direction and cover any models, but the Energy Pulse will affect only models within the Dominatrix line of sight. The pulse on a roll of 4+ on a D6 will hit any model under the template and in line of sight. This roll is modified for any to hit modifiers. The pulse adds +1 to any Titan damage rolls and buildings must make a save at -4 if they are hit. Models hit with a psychic pulse suffer D6 hits with a –4 saving throw modifier. Roll for the number of hits before rolling any saving throws. This is a physical psychic power.
Models: GW metal models.
Hive Tyrant
These creatures represent highly evolved Tyranid warriors. Hive Tyrants are Synapse creatures and are considered Command units. Due to its agility, the Hive Tyrant is considered an Infantry class unit for movement and firing. Due to its size the Hive Tyrant is classed as a Knight for pinning and close combat. Hive Tyrant’s have 2 wounds and can regenerate. Hive Tyrant’s are affected by the special rules for multiple wound creatures. As a synapse creature the Hive Tyrant has 4 Command Points, Hive Mind Radius of 25cm, and generates 2 Hive Mind Points. Additionally, any Tyranid brood within 10 CM of a Hive Tyrant will pass Hive Mind tests automatically. Hive Tyrant’s have a psychic save of 4+.
The Hive Tyrant is such a terrifying close combat opponent, that enemy units engaged in close combat with a Hive Tyrant must make a morale check at the start of the close combat segment. If failed the unit goes on Fall Back Orders and suffers a -2 on it close combat value. Robots or other models that do not take morale checks are immune to this rule. A Hive Tyrant that enters close combat with a unit that is already broken will force two moral checks: one for a broken unit in close combat and one for terror.
A Hive Tyrant may use one of the following psychic powers during the combat phase of the turn:
The Horror: This power forces all non-Tyranid units within 20 cm to take a Morale check immediately. If failed the unit goes on Fall Back Orders and suffers a -2 on it close combat value. Robots or other models that do not take morale checks are immune to this rule. This is a non-physical psychic power.
Psychic Scream: This power can affect any non-Tyranid psychic creatures within 40 cm. On a D6 roll of 4+ the psyker is stunned and may not use any psychic powers during the turn. If a psyker is affected by the scream and is using a power that must be maintained, that power is shut down immediately. This is a non-physical psychic power.
Models: GW metal models.
Troop Type Move Saving Throw CAF Weapons Range Attack Dice Roll to Hit TSM Notes
Dominatrix 10 cm 1+ +10 Bio-Cannon
Spore Cyst 75 cm
15 cm 6
12 5+
6+ -3
0 Titan/Praetorian, Synapse, Command, Psychic Save 2+, Psychic Powers, Wounds: 4, Regenerate, Enemy Test Morale in Close Combat, Broods within 25 cm automatically pass Hive Mind test
Hive Tyrant 10 cm 2+ +10 Venom Cannon 50 cm 2 5+ -2 Knight/ Infantry, Synapse, Command, Psychic Save 4+, Psychic Powers, Wounds: 2, Regenerate, Enemy Test Morale in Close Combat, Broods within 10 cm automatically pass Hive Mind test
Vehicles and Artillery
The Biovore is a Tyranid artillery piece. Instead of firing a barrage, the Biovore shoots a spore mine at its intended target. Spore mines stay on the battlefield until the proximity of an enemy unit sets them off. Biovores are Slave creatures and are subject to the Nest instinct. The Biovore may only fire a spore mine if on First Fire of Nest Orders. Each Biovore fires a single spore mine when it shoots, IE 3 spores for an undamaged brood. Spore mines may be fired indirectly. Spore mines drift when fired and always scatter twice. Make two scatter rolls whether the spore mine is fired using direct fire or indirect fire. If the spore mine ends up touching an enemy model it will explode. Place a barrage template over the spore mine location. The explosion potentially hits any models underneath the template. The spore mine has 6 barrage points and a -3 save modifier. Tyranid models that are hit by the spore mine explosion will not suffer the -3 save modifier. Buildings are affected by spore mine explosions and suffer the -3 save modifier.
If the spore mine does not end up touching any units, it will remain on the battlefield. In each subsequent mandatory movement segment spore mines will drift. The spore mine marker is marked 1 through 6, roll a D6 to determine direction and the 2 D6 to determine how many centimeters the mine drifts. If the spore mine contacts an enemy model either during this move or a model moves into it, the spore mine will immediately explode as detailed above. Spore mine markers will drift over terrain, including buildings, without detonating. If a double is rolled for the distance, the mine will travel that many centimeters and then explode. If the spore mine drifts off the table it is removed.
Models: GW metal models.
This is huge, terrifying, shock assault creature for the Tyranid force. Due to its agility, the Carnifex is considered an Infantry class unit for movement and firing. Due to its size the Carnifex is classed as a Knight for pinning and close combat. The Carnifex is such a terrifying close combat unit, that enemy units engaged in close combat with a Carnifex must make a morale check at the start of the close combat segment. If failed the unit goes on Fall Back Orders and suffers a -2 on it close combat value. Robots or other models that do not take morale checks are immune to this rule. A Carnifex brood that enters close combat with a unit that is already broken will force two moral checks: one for a broken unit in close combat and one for terror. Carnifex can regenerate. Carnifex are Slave creatures and are subject to the Rampage instinct. Having only 1 wound, Carnifex are not subject to the special rules for multiple wound creatures.
Models: GW metal models.
Dactylis are long-range firepower specialists delivering a deadly barrage. A unit of Dactylis operates like a standard artillery unit, with all models of a brood adding their barrage points together into a single attack. Dactylis are Slave creatures and are subject to the Nest instinct.
Models: GW metal models.
Exocrine are highly evolved long-range fire specialists. Exocrine are armed with 2 Bio Cannons. Exocrine are Slave creatures and are subject to the Nest Instinct. Exocrine are considered Anti-Aircraft units. Exocrine add +1 to any damage template rolls against Titans or Praetorians.
Models: GW metal models.
The Haruspex is a specially bred close combat bio-creature. Haruspexes are Slave creatures and are subject to the Rampage instinct. Haruspexes are armed with a Frag Spine barrage weapon and operate like a standard artillery unit; IE all models in the brood add their barrage points together into a single attack. Models: GW metal models.
These are enormous bio-transport vehicles. Malefactors are Slave creatures and are subject to the Rampage Instinct. Malefactors are armed with a Frag Spine barrage weapon and operate like a standard artillery unit; IE all models in the brood add their barrage points together into a single attack. Malefactor’s can transport two Tyranid infantry stands. When transporting infantry, the Tyranid player must provide orders for both the Malefactor brood and any transported infantry brood.
Models: GW metal models.
A huge snake like creature the size of a tank. Trygons are Slave creatures and are subject to the Hunt Instinct. Trygons have a special bio-shock attack, which is represented by a special template. This template is placed directly in front of the Trygon and moves with it. Any model touched by the template, except the Trygon, may be electrocuted. Roll a D6, the model is hit on a roll 3+ with a saving throw modifier equal to the roll to hit. Normal to hit modifiers for cover applies and are subtracted from the saving throw modifier on a successful to hit roll. Additionally, if on First Fire, Advance or Hunt orders, the Trygon may fire the template a distance of D6 x 10cm in a straight line directly in front of the model. Resolve any hits as described above. When the Trygon template is fired in this manner it will stop if it moves into a building, but still affect any models in the building. When fired the template will move over all terrain except water, which will instantly discharge the template and end its movement. Once a template has been discharged in this manner it will not be replaced until the end of the following turn movement phase.
Models: GW metal models.
Troop Type Move Saving Throw CAF Weapons Range Attack Dice Roll to Hit TSM Notes
Carnifex 10 cm 4+ +7 Bio Plasma 50 cm 1 4+ -2 Knight/ Infantry, Slave, Instinct: Rampage, Regenerate, Enemy Test Morale in Close Combat
Dactylis 10 cm 2+ +4 Bile Pods
Spore Cysts 75 cm
15 cm 3 BP
6+ -2
0 Vehicle, Slave, Instinct: Nest
Haruspex 15 cm 2+ +7 Acid Jets
Frag Spines 25 cm
25 cm 2
2 BP 5+
0 Vehicle, Slave, Instinct: Rampage
Malefactor 20 cm 2+ +5 Frag Spines
Spore Cysts 25 cm
15 cm 4 BP
6+ 0
0 Vehicle, Slave, Instinct: Rampage, Carries 2 Infantry Stands
Trygon 20 cm 1+ +8 Bio-Shock D6 x 10cm Template 3+ -D6 Super Heavy, Slave, Instinct: Hunt, Special Attack
Heavy Artillery
Biovore 10 cm 4+ +1 Spore Mines
100 cm 6 BP -3 Vehicle, Slave, Instinct: Nest
Exocrine 10 cm 2+ +3 Bio-Cannon
Spore Cysts 75 cm
15 cm 2
2 5+
6+ -3
0 Vehicle, Slave, Instinct: Nest, Anti-Aircraft, +1 to template damage rolls
Special Rules
Bio-Titans follow all of the standard rules for Titans, except as noted below.
Bio-Titans are Slave broods and require sufficient Command points in order to be selected for the swarm, are Independent for the purpose of orders, and have psychic saving throws that are noted in the unit descriptions. All Bio-Titans can regenerate and are subject to the special rules for multiple wound creatures. Bio-Titan's are very agile and thus may make as many turns as necessary during movement.
Bio-Titans do not have shields and instead have a natural armor and toughness as well as multiple wounds for protection. Bio-Titans receive an overall armor saving throw that is determined by firing location and Titan type. When hit with a ranged attack, roll the appropriate armor saving throw. If successful the hit has no effect. If the saving throw is failed the attack will go to the hit location template to work out exactly where the hit lands. This is performed in the same manner as for other Titans. If the shot scatters off the template then the bio-Titan takes no damage. If the attack hits a location on the template it will inflict one wound and then there is the chance of a critical hit. When the Bio-Titan has taken as many wound markers as it has wounds, it will collapse and may not fight until it has regenerated and removed some or all of its wound markers. The enemy may still target bio-Titans that have collapsed in this way. Add another wound each time it is hit, fails its save, and the shot do not scatter.
Critical hits are determined by rolling against the critical hit number for the location on the Titan template. The higher this number the harder it will be to score a critical hit. In order to score critical damage you must roll equal to or over the critical hit number for the location. Any weapon save or damage modifiers do not modify this roll. If critical damage is scored on a location, roll for the effect on the appropriate location damage table on the Titan data card. Weapons with a bonus on the Titan damage tables will apply the bonus as normal. Critical damage may be repaired in the end phase of the turn.
Regenerating Critical Damage - In the end phase the Titan can attempt to regenerate any critical damage, except for blown off limbs and weapons. For each critical damage hit taken, roll a D6. If the roll is equal to or greater than the critical hit number on the location damage table, the critical damage has been regenerated; otherwise the damage and the effects remain.
Bio-Titans are terrifying close combat opponents. Any enemy units engaged in close combat with a Bio-Titan must make a morale check at the start of the close combat segment. If failed, the unit goes on Fall Back Orders and suffers a -2 on it close combat value. Robots or other models that do not take morale checks are immune to this rule. Bio-Titans that enter close combat with a unit that is already broken, will force two moral checks: one for a broken unit in close combat and one for terror.
Bio-Titan Weapons
Cluster Spines
These are similar to the Frag spines mounted on other Tyranid Broods but are larger and more densely packed.
Range Attack Dice To Hit Roll Target’s Save Modifier Notes
50 cm 8 BPs As barrage -1
Pyro-Acid Spray
Probably the most fearsome weapon in the Bio-Titan arsenal. This is a triple jet of corrosive acid. The special Pyro-acid spray template represents the area of affect. The spray is super intense and ignores any to hit modifiers for cover. The pyro-acid spray can damage buildings.
Range Attack Dice To Hit Roll Target’s Save Modifier Notes
Template Template 3+ -2 Ignores cover
Stinger Salvo
This weapon represents large projections of needle-like stingers. The weapon is short range and is affective against lightly armored targets.
Range Attack Dice To Hit Roll Target’s Save Modifier Notes
25 cm 6 4+ -1
Bio-cannon are similar to the multi-orifice weapons mounted on Exocrine. These are extremely powerful against Titans and any damaging hit against a hit location template will add +1 to the damage roll. Bio-Cannon is fast tracking weapons and is considered anti-aircraft for purposes of firing on thrusters.
Range Attack Dice To Hit Roll Target’s Save Modifier Notes
75 cm 3 5+ -3 +1 on hit location templates, Anti-Aircraft
Bile Launcher
This weapon belches a lump of corrosive slime that strikes the intended target and then splatters against any nearby targets. To represent this, if a hit is scored, work out the damage against the intended target as normal, and then place a barrage template at the point of impact. Any model covered by the template may also be hit, but at a reduced strength. Buildings may be affected by this splatter or may be the target of the bile launcher; there is no splatter affect if a building is chosen as the primary target of the Bile-Launcher.
Range Attack Dice To Hit Roll Target’s Save Modifier Notes
100cm (Hit)
(Splatter) 1
4 BP 3+
As barrage -3
0 My target buildings
Spore Pod
Spore pods are large virulent growths that can be launched in a concentrated area or spread out to cover a broad area. The spore pods carry a total of 12 barrage points per turn, which may be represented as from 1 to 3 barrage templates. When launching multiple barrage templates, each must be placed so that it touches one other barrage template in the attack. By using multiple templates the Titan dissipates the strength of the attack, as represented by the following table:
Number of Templates BP Per Template
1 12
2 6
3 4
Range Attack Dice To Hit Roll Target’s Save Modifier Notes
25 cm 12 BP As barrage -1 May place multiple barrage templates
Razor Claw
The Razor Claw is a close combat weapon that operates similarly to the Imperial Titan Power Fist. Additionally the Razor Claw carries Frag Spines that can be used to deliver a short-range barrage. The razor claw may either use the special close combat ability or the Frag Spines during a turn; it may not use both.
If the Bio-Titan wins a round of close combat against an enemy Titan or Praetorian, the player may elect to make a grab attack instead of rolling for damage normally. When making a grab attack, select a location from the corresponding damage location chart, both players roll a D6 and the bio-Titan player adds +2. If the bio-Titan making the grab attack scores higher, the location the Tyranid player selected receives maximum damage (the most damaging result). If the result is a tie the defender has slipped partially out of the grasp, and receives normal damage (resolve by rolling once on the damage table for that location). If the defenders score is higher, it has broken free and receives no damage.
Bio-Titans with a Razor Claw in base-to-base contact with buildings may elect, in addition to normal attacks, to automatically hit the building once. The building must make a save with a -4 saving throw modifier or be destroyed.
Range Attack Dice To Hit Roll Target’s Save Modifier Notes
25 cm 8 BP As barrage 0 Destroys buildings.
Ripper Tentacles
Ripper Tentacles are huge tendon and claw bundles that lash out at models in base-to-base contact with the Bio-Titan and make it incredibly hard to close assault the bio-Titan.
In Close Combat the Bio-Titan may use its ripper tentacles in one of three ways. The Tyranid player selects which ability will be used at the beginning of each close combat segment and may only use one ability per turn:
When engaged by enemy troop stands and vehicles the bio-Titan can use the Ripper Tentacles to help clear out these attackers, any infantry or vehicle attacker assaulting the bio-Titan has a +1 modifier to its chance of successfully assault the bio-Titan for each undamaged ripper tentacle on the bio-Titan. For example, a basic infantry stand assaulting a bio-Titan with one ripper tentacle will need to roll a 7+ to engage the bio-Titan instead of a 6+. Against a bio-Titan with two ripper tentacles the infantry stand would need to roll an 8+. These modifiers apply to elite units and vehicles in the same manner.
When engaged by multiple Super-Heavy or Knight opponents, the bio-Titan may elect to grab one of these opponents and prevent it from attacking in close combat. The grabbed model resolves its close combat as a completely separate attack against the bio-Titan and will not contribute additional close combat dice to the ‘other’ close combat against the Bio-Titan.
If engaged by a Titan or Gargant, the ripper tentacles may be used to grab one enemy close combat weapon and prevent its use. Should the Bio-Titan win the close combat, roll for damage against a selected location as normal and additionally roll for damage against the trapped weapon location, with a +2 modifier on both damage rolls.
If the Bio-Titan is in base-to-base contact with buildings the player may elect, in addition to any other attacks, to automatically hit the building once. The building must make a save with a 0 saving throw modifier or be destroyed.
Name Wounds Psychic Save Hive Mind Roll Number of Weapons Cost
Hierodule 6 Regenerates 3+ 1 2 350 + Weapons
Hierophant 8 Regenerates 2+ 1 3 475 + Weapons
Tyranid Bio-Titan Weapons
(HR=Hierophant, HD= Hierodule)
Use Description Cost
Basic HD, HR Cluster Spines 25
HD, HR Pyro-Acid Spray 60
HD, HR Stinger Salvo 25
HD, HR Bio-Cannon 75
HD, HR Bile Launcher 75
HD, HR Spore Pods 25
Close Combat HD, HR Razor Claw 50
HD, HR Ripper Tentacles 50
These are huge bat-like creatures that as much float as fly. Harridans are considered Floaters. Harridan are Synapse creatures and as such have 1 Command Point, a Hive Mind radius of 10 CM, and generate 1 Hive Mind Point. The Harridan is a massive creature and is classed as Super Heavy. Additionally, the Harridan has 3 wounds and is subject to the rules for multiple wound creatures. Harridan may transport one brood of 5 Gargoyle stands. To represent their ability to range ahead of the swarm, Harridan’s are permitted to make one charge distance move following setup and prior to the first turn. This move may not bring the Harridan within 5 cm of any enemy model.
Harridans are armed with a spore cloud that can be dropped during movement. The spore cloud acts as up to three barrage templates that are dropped behind the harridan as it moves. The Harridan has a total of 12 barrage points and these are split among the barrage templates depending on how many are dropped:
# Of Templates BPs per Template
1 12
2 6
3 4
Models: GW metal models.
Mycetic Spores
Although not a flyer, their special deployment occurs at the beginning of the flyers phase. The player nominates any location on the tabletop and rolls for scatter twice. Once the location is determined the player may select any point within a 20cm radius of the original “landing point” and place all of the deploying spores. Roll for scatter once for each spore until all spores have landed. Spores that land on any models (friend of foe) cause a hit. If the model landed on has active shields the spore is destroyed and knocks down one shield. If the model is a vehicle, the spore is destroyed and the model receives a hit at -3 save modifier. If the model is an infantry of bike stand, the spore is unaffected and the model receives a hit at -3 save modifier. Each brood carried by spores must be deployed in the same turn. Once the landing location and any hits are worked out Spores successfully land on a roll of 2+. If this roll is failed the spore and its contents are destroyed, with the exception of regenerating creatures that suffer their total wounds and may attempt to regenerate during the end phase. When placing a spore and rolling for it to open the player must state which spore he is rolling for before any die rolls are made. Any spore that is destroyed by shooting loses the transported model regardless of regeneration capabilities. The numbered spore counters facilitate keeping track of what model is in what spore.
Models emerging from spores can move normally, but are subject to the following orders restriction on the turn they land:
Commanders: Are allowed their normal Charge and First Fire command activity.
Independent Broods: Are placed on Advance Orders.
Instinctive Broods: Are placed on their instinctive orders.
The number of stands/models that can be carried purchases spores and each spore group is assigned to a single brood. No VPs are added to the Tyranid force for Mycetic Spores. Mycetic spores may carry any unit except the Dominatrix and Bio-Titans. Single models use spore pods of three-unit capacity for transport.
Troop Type Move Saving Throw CAF Weapons Range Attack Dice Roll To Hit TSM Notes
Harridan 25 cm 2+ All around +5 Spore Cloud
Bio-Cannon 0 cm
50 cm 12 BP
4 Varies
5+ 0
-3 Floater, Synapse,
Super Heavy, Wounds: 3,
Carries 5 Gargoyle Stands, Deploy 50 cm After Set-up
Mycetic Spore Special 4+ 0 None - - - - Carries 1 model or stand
Tyranid Swarm Cards
Synapse Creatures/Broods
Name Contents Break Point Hive Mind Roll Victory Points Cost
Dominatrix 1 Dominatrix 1 1 5 500
Hive Tyrant 1 Hive Tyrant 1 1 2 150
Harridan 1 Harridan 1 1 2 150
Tyranid Warriors 5 Tyranid Warrior stands 3 1 2 200
Slave Broods
Name Contents Break Point Hive Mind Roll Victory Points Cost
Devourer Swarm 10 Devourer stands 3 3 1 100
Gargoyles 5 Gargoyle stands 3 4 2 150
Hormagaunts 5 Hormagaunt stands 3 4 1 100
Genestealer 5 Genestealer stands 3 1 2 150
Lictors 5 Lictors 3 1 2 200
Termagants 10 Termagant stands 5 4 2 150
Zoats 5 Zoat stands 3 1 2 200
Zoanthropes 3 Zoanthropes 2 4 1 100
Dactylis 3 Dactylis 2 4 2 200
Haruspex 3 Haruspex 2 4 2 200
Malefactors 3 Malefactors 2 4 2 150
Trygon 1 Trygon 1 4 1 100
Heavy Artillery
Biovores 3 Biovores 2 4 2 200
Exocrines 3 Exocrines 2 4 3 250
Knight Class
Carnifex 3 Carnifexi 2 4 2 150
Mycetic Spores
1 - 5 Spores 1-5 Mycetic Spores (One Brood) - - 50
10 Spores 10 Mycetic Spores (One Brood) - - - 100
Name Wounds Psychic Save Hive Mind Roll Number of Weapons Cost
Hierodule 6 Regenerates 3+ 1 2 350 + Weapons
Hierophant 8 Regenerates 2+ 1 3 475 + Weapons
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Comments below...
--- In netepic_at_yahoogroups.com, "Peter Ramos" <primarch@=
c...> wrote:
> Hi!
> We=E2=80=99ll continue to get the ball rolling alo=
ng as we now tackle the
Tyranid list.
> There has been little complain=
t about this list over the years,
which is amazing considering that the ru=
les for how tyranids work
were totally redone by Paul Lipori back in first=
edition netepic. The
6 years of play testing establishes it as a solid ar=
my list with
little problems. Of course it needs some updating as newer un=
its may
need to be added.
> To be frank after re-reading the tyranid b=
ook, I found nothing I
would like to change or modify, so you will so NO c=
omments below, but
I have posted the whole book so as to facilitate everyo=
nes inspection
of it.
> As always here=E2=80=99s the army list as it a=
ppears in 4.1 (in order to
reduce message size the formatting has been omi=
tted and only the text
preserved, please refer to the original document if=
you have any
> Thanks!
> Peter
> Tyranids
> =
Instinctive Orders:
> Rampage - Rampaging creatures must move double their =
movement allowance, during the Charge Movement segment, directly
owards the nearest enemy models that are not already engaged in
close comb=
at. Rampaging models move in a straight line, even through
normally impas=
sable terrain such as cliffs or Doomweaver templates.
If a rampaging mod=
el moves into contact with an enemy model it will
stop and fight them duri=
ng the close combat segment. Rampaging
creatures will not make ranged att=
acks. Any rampaging model that
enters impassable terrain is not automatic=
ally destroyed. Instead,
roll a D6: on a 1-3 it is destroyed as normal, o=
n a 4-6 the model
manages to keep going through the impassable terrain. R=
oll only once
each turn the Rampaging model remains in impassable terrain.=
+AC+ I think it's better to modify this paragraph to cover all the
bilities. Moreover, all instinctive orders should be performed
in the Comp=
ulsory Movement phase (as stated in the core rules):
"Rampaging creatures =
must move double their normal movement allowance
during the Compulsory Mov=
ement phase, directly towards the nearest
enemy models that are not alread=
y engaged in close combat (if there
are no more unengaged models in range =
they will gang-up as normal,
starting with the nearest models). If a rampa=
ging creature contacts
an enemy it will stop and fight during the Close Co=
mbat segment of
the Combat phase. Rampaging creatures will not make ranged=
and always move in a straight line, even into normally impassable=
terrain such as cliffs or Doomweaver templates. Any rampaging model
enters impassable terrain is not automatically destroyed,
instead rolls 1=
d6: on 4+ the model manages to keep going through
unscathed, otherwise it =
is destroyed as normal. Roll only once each
turn the rampaging model enter=
s an impassable terrain."
> Hunt - Hunting creatures will move at their no=
rmal movement rate,
during the Advance Movement segment, towards the neare=
st enemy model
not already engaged in close combat. The creatures will mo=
ve into
close combat if possible and will move around impassable terrain. =
the creature is not in close combat during the combat phase it will
se any range attack during the Advance Fire phase and target the
nearest e=
nemy model, even if the model cannot be damaged by the fire.
+AC+ Change w=
"Hunting creatures will move at their normal movement rate during the=
Compulsory Movement phase, towards the nearest enemy model not
already e=
ngaged in close combat. The creatures will move into close
combat if possi=
ble and will move around impassable terrain. If the
creature is not in clo=
se combat during the Combat phase, it will
shoot at the nearest enemy mod=
el in LoS during the Advance Fire
> Ripper Tentacles
> <snip>
If engaged by a Titan or Gargant, the ripper tentacles may be used
> to g=
rab one enemy close combat weapon and prevent its use. Should
> the Bio-T=
itan win the close combat, roll for damage against a
> selected location a=
s normal and additionally roll for damage
> against the trapped weapon loc=
ation, with a +2 modifier on both
> damage rolls.
+AC+ Substitute this pa=
ragraph with:
"If engaged by a Titan or Gargant, the Ripper Tentacles may =
be used
to grab one enemy close combat weapon and prevent its use (if the =
enemy has no close combat weapons, Ripper Tentacles subtract -1d6
from it=
s CAF instead). Should the Bio-Titan win the close combat,
roll for damage=
against a selected location as normal, and
additionally roll for damage a=
gainst the trapped weapon location (or
another location, if the enemy has =
no close combat weapons), with AP
The other way, ripper tentacles wi=
ll have no effect in close combat
against Titans _without_ close combat we=
> Harridan
> The Harridan is a massive creature and is classed as S=
uper Heavy.
+AC+ Still don't know the necessity of this specification... i=
cannot be pinned anyway, since it's a floater. BTW... we should state
n its description that it's a floater!
> Mycetic Spores
> Although not a f=
lyer, their special deployment occurs at the
> beginning of the flyers pha=
+AC+ There is no more a flyers phase. I suggest "their special
ment occurs at the beginning of the compulsory movement phase"
Received on Sun May 11 2003 - 16:55:50 UTC
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