Tyranid summary

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 10:28:09 -0400

I will summarize what has been mentioned so far and if something is
missing please point it out.
Instinctive order
Some rewording was mentioned as follows:
+AC+ I think it's better to modify this paragraph to cover all the
possibilities. Moreover, all instinctive orders should be performed
in the Compulsory Movement phase (as stated in the core rules):
"Rampaging creatures must move double their normal movement allowance
during the Compulsory Movement phase, directly towards the nearest
enemy models that are not already engaged in close combat (if there
are no more unengaged models in range they will gang-up as normal,
starting with the nearest models). If a rampaging creature contacts
an enemy it will stop and fight during the Close Combat segment of
the Combat phase. Rampaging creatures will not make ranged attacks
and always move in a straight line, even into normally impassable
terrain such as cliffs or Doomweaver templates. Any rampaging model
that enters impassable terrain is not automatically destroyed,
instead rolls 1d6: on 4+ the model manages to keep going through
unscathed, otherwise it is destroyed as normal. Roll only once each
turn the rampaging model enters an impassable terrain."
> Hunt - Hunting creatures will move at their normal movement rate,
during the Advance Movement segment, towards the nearest enemy model
not already engaged in close combat. The creatures will move into
close combat if possible and will move around impassable terrain. If
the creature is not in close combat during the combat phase it will
use any range attack during the Advance Fire phase and target the
nearest enemy model, even if the model cannot be damaged by the fire.
+AC+ Change with:
"Hunting creatures will move at their normal movement rate during the
Compulsory Movement phase, towards the nearest enemy model not
already engaged in close combat. The creatures will move into close
combat if possible and will move around impassable terrain. If the
creature is not in close combat during the Combat phase, it will
shoot at the nearest enemy model in LoS during the Advance Fire
Some additional wording on other points:
> Ripper Tentacles
> <snip>
> If engaged by a Titan or Gargant, the ripper tentacles may be used
> to grab one enemy close combat weapon and prevent its use. Should
> the Bio-Titan win the close combat, roll for damage against a
> selected location as normal and additionally roll for damage
> against the trapped weapon location, with a +2 modifier on both
> damage rolls.
+AC+ Substitute this paragraph with:
"If engaged by a Titan or Gargant, the Ripper Tentacles may be used
to grab one enemy close combat weapon and prevent its use (if the
enemy has no close combat weapons, Ripper Tentacles subtract -1d6
from its CAF instead). Should the Bio-Titan win the close combat,
roll for damage against a selected location as normal, and
additionally roll for damage against the trapped weapon location (or
another location, if the enemy has no close combat weapons), with AP
The other way, ripper tentacles will have no effect in close combat
against Titans _without_ close combat weapons.
> Harridan
> The Harridan is a massive creature and is classed as Super Heavy.
+AC+ Still don't know the necessity of this specification... it
cannot be pinned anyway, since it's a floater. BTW... we should state
in its description that it's a floater!
Eliminate designation of super heavy?
> Mycetic Spores
> Although not a flyer, their special deployment occurs at the
> beginning of the flyers phase.
+AC+ There is no more a flyers phase. I suggest "their special
deployment occurs at the beginning of the compulsory movement phase"
New Units
Lictors may have the Ambush special ability instead of Infiltration
(cost and stats unchanged).
Ambush - Units with this skill may be placed after all other units
anywhere on the battlefield as long as they are deployed in any
terrain that provides at least a -1 Cover modifier or simply out of
sight of the enemy. Ambushing units may not be set up closer than 5cm
to any enemy unit or in the enemy player's deploy zone.
Raveners (cavalry unit)
Mov: 20cm
Sav: -
CAF: +4
Wpn: Devourers
Rng: 35cm
Atk: 2
Hit: 5+
TSM: -1
Notes: Slave brood, Hunt
Brood card (5 Raveners) - Break point 3, Morale 4, 2VP, 200pts
One problem arised in my last games was the difference between the
old Carnifex mini (knight-sized), and the newer one (walker-sized).
The best solution is to simply create two new units replacing the
older one... with similar stats (one is clearly bigger than the
other, though). The same problem arises with the Hive Tyrant... maybe
the new ones (walker-sized) could be addressed as Tyrant Guards, but
they can't guard anything, since are of a different class and
wouldn't impede the targeting of the HT. Anyway, here's the two new
Carnifex (Walker unit)
Mov: 10cm
Sav: 4+
CAF: +5
Wpn: Bio-plasma
Rng: 25cm
Atk: 1
Hit: 4+
TSM: -2
Notes: Slave brood, Rampage
Brood card (3 Carnifexes) - Break point 2, Morale 4, 1VP, 100pts
Razorfex (Knight unit)
Mov: 10cm
Sav: 2+
CAF: +8
Wpn: Bio-plasma
Rng: 50cm
Atk: 1
Hit: 4+
TSM: -2
Notes: Slave brood, Rampage, Regeneration
Brood card (3 Razorfexes) - Break point 2, Morale 4, 2VP, 200pts
Here's another unit I pondered:
Brooder (Vehicle)
Mov: 15cm
Sav: 3+
CAF: +3
Wpn: Wriggler
Rng: 50cm
Atk: 1
Hit: 5+
TSM: -1
Notes: Slave brood, Hunt, Infect
Brood card (3 Brooders) - Break point 2, Morale 3
Not sure of PV
Infect: When they kill an infantry unit with their ranged weapon,
they die in a massive shower of toxins. Place a 6cm template over the
dead infantry unit, any units under it are hit on a 4+ at 0 TSM. This
does not work vs infantry in buildings.
Before we move on to the next army list can we add the
Ravener. It is a a fast-attack snake-like creature
armed with Death Spitters.
Move 20cm
Save 6+
CAF 3+
Weapon Death Spitter
Range 25cm
No. ATT 2
THR 5+
Notes: Hunt
5 per swarm _at_ 150 Pts/2 VPs
Additional clarifications
Hormagaunt, hunt or rampage?
It was pointed out instinctive order may be too useful as worded and
"disadvantages" should be made more clear such as:
Nest- can only shoot at closest unit in LOS and within range.
Rampage- can only charge closest unit in range
Hunt- closest unit.
Feel free to add more units or more clarifications. Once this is done we
will continue onwards to the squats.
Received on Fri May 30 2003 - 14:28:09 UTC

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