I would agree with you, since they have no minds of their own and should
attack "anything" within range.
DO people think this is a sufficient disadvantage? Too detrimental? Not
detrimental enough?
-----Original Message-----
From: newsbot9 [mailto:newsbot9_at_...]
Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2003 10:06 AM
To: netepic_at_yahoogroups.com
Subject: [NetEpic ML] Re: Tyranid summary
> It was pointed out instinctive order may be too useful as worded and
> "disadvantages" should be made more clear such as:
> Nest- can only shoot at closest unit in LOS and within range.
> Rampage- can only charge closest unit in range
> Hunt- closest unit.
One point - Tyranids may fire barrages which might hurt their own
units, however will units on instinctive orders fire barrages that
will do that, or will they pick the first target for which that
dosn't happen?
I'd suggest the closest ANYWAY, hence you have to be careful with
barrage units and instinctive orders if there are friendly units in
front of them.
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Received on Sun Jun 01 2003 - 14:32:33 UTC