(OT) WW1 games and weasel's

From: Weasel Fierce <weasel_fierce_at_...>
Date: Fri, 04 Jul 2003 21:13:52 +0000

This is completely off topic but I just wanted to let everyone know im still
alive :-)



Shameless advertising!

My world war 1 wargame rules are finally going into print and will be
available quite soon. Quite a sense of satisfaction

Apart from a bit of personal pride, another reason that Im mentioning it
here is that I'd like to thank everyone thats been a member of this
wonderfull project called NetEpic because.. to be a member of this is simply
the best practice you could ever get as a game designer.

So cheers to you all

And now back to packing up my stuff and whatnot.

BTW:.. does anyone on this list live anywhere near Vermont ? Since I will be
moving there around the start of August


Pure in heart
Strong in mind
What need we fear ?

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Received on Fri Jul 04 2003 - 21:13:52 UTC

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