RE: [NetEpic ML] Re: Termites, Moles and Hellbores ?????

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 18:33:56 -0400


--- In, darius spano <dmanspano_at_y...> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I just recently got a squad termites for my Squats but
> I am a little unclear how they work. My idea is below.
> They start the battlefield loaded up and ready to
> drill into the ground. They beginning drilling into
> the ground in the movement phase and can resurface on
> turn 2 anywhere on the board but need to roll for
> scatter. (Is this correct?).

I'm fairly sure the intention is that they start the game underground,
and you can assume they're in position to try and appear wherever you

This is the correct interpretation

The alternative - that they start on the transport and have to move
underground at 15cm per turn, taking several turns to reach their
intended surfacing point - makes tunnellers, generally considered poor
value already, worse than foot troops.

I have played in groups where this was the interpretation and it renders
tunnelers useless. Waiting two turns for 30cm of movement is "fast"

> The carriage truck for the termite aids in surfacing
> and scatter reduction. Is it's move 15cm? what is a
> surfaced termites move? The armaments are on the
> termite nad not the carrier?

Unless my memory fails me, the rulebooks say quite clearly that
surfaced tunnellers move up to 15cm and can't double it by charging.
(Subterranean speed is not needed, given the 'already in position at
the start of the battle' assumtion.)

This is correct.

The transporter doesn't move at all during the game. The only
transport described was the Hellbore's, in Armies of the Imperium. I
guess all the transports were supposed to be the same, but I reckon
the Hellbore's should have a better save than 5+ (perhaps making the
Termite's a 6+ in sympathy).

The hellbore has a hit location template like, the transport should
probably have one too.

> Troops can disembark on Advance or Charge orders but
> their move is reduced in half.

Not necessarily halved (unless I've forgotten a bit; was there
something special in the rulebook?). Use the standard rules for
transports - the infantry get the fraction of their move that is the
left over fraction of the transport's move. So if the Termite hadn't
moved before the Berserkers disembarked, they'd have their full move.
Note that they can't emerge on the same turn as the Termite surfaced
(so, again, there's no need to worry about it's undergroupd speed).

Movement is halfed, but you disembark the same turn you surface.

Received on Thu Aug 14 2003 - 22:33:56 UTC

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