The History of SLANN...(long)
Before starting the Slann/Necrons reviewe I'd like to spend some time to
look back on the history of this particular army list. The Slann/Necrons was
the first true NetEpic army. This is the first list that was made from
scratch by our members. For the Northern connection the introduction of
Slann, was infact our introduction to the NetEpic community. One of our
players; Rune, found the Slann/Necrons and started to collect the army, the
rest of us followed in his wake and found this oasis of Epic interest. Over
the years since this, there has been much and at times heated debates around
the Slann/Necrons army list. The only similar discussion I can remember on
the top of my mind is the WIND HOST discussion that flares up from time to
In our small gaming community up here just belove the northern ice cape we
have had long, in the best of times fun and in the worst of times tiersome
discussions for almost as long as this army has existed. However, in the
beginning things was a bit uneaven. We only had one player playing the
Slann, and the rest of us trying to bring him down. Besides having an (in
the early stages) unbalanced army, Rune is quite a good player that seldom
makes grievous mistakes. As you can all guess the rest of us lost, by a
mile.........and then some! This of course led to many revisons, and
testmatch after testmatch. At one point in time I came to the classic
conclusion; if you can't beat them, join them.... and besides I saw that
Rune was getting tired of fending off our assaults on the Slann list and was
perhaps even considering quitting the hobby. Well, I started to collect an
army of my one. I'we always liked Necrons, so I started off with a pure
Necron army which has it's limitations but is fully functional as a
standalone army (after some modifications of course). Besides defeating
Necrons isn't that difficult if you utilize their weaknesses, meaning that
the other guys started winning games. Well this balanced the discussion and
we've over the time reached some sort of consencus on what the list should
look like. However, at one point in time, we took the developement off line.
Therefore the list which I'm going to present to you over the next couple of
weeks might in some respects be somewhat different from the official
Slann/Necron list. Then it is up tou you gentlemen of this extraordenary
community to decide what the future of the first original NetEpic army
should look like.....
I'll round off by making some comments on how we have envisioned the
Slann/Necrons army here in Norway. The Slann/Necrons is an Elitist army.
They have small formations of powerfull units. Focus is on extremely
powerfull short to mid range firepower (Simply the best), good armour and
limited movement. They have few to none destructive barrage weapons, however
they have the oppurtunity to hamper and slow down the enemy with their
advanced energy weapons. Their army will normally have a size slightly
larger than an Eldar army and slight smaller than a Squat army of the same
point level. Having played some 20+ battles against or with the
Slann/Necrons I've fount that as the list has devolepd this is an army that
is a real challenge to play, and fun to play against. However in our group
this army has quite a reputation for beeing iindestructible, so there are
still some worries. If you are looking for a new army to play or is looking
to break in a new player I would advice you to consider Necron/Slann. I'ts
quite easy to get hold of the necessary minis and because of it's sice
you'll not spend an eternety painting to get the collection finished. If you
are an experienced player I would advice you to try pure Necron or Exodus
armies. Finally if you are a fan of Battletech, robotech or other such
series Slann is the closest thing you'll get in the NetEpic universe.
Over to the revision.....
Received on Wed Oct 29 2003 - 07:39:00 UTC
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