[5.0] Superheavy damage tables

From: Peter Ramos <primarch_at_...>
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2005 21:51:51 -0400


This is one rule I forgot to comment on and would like to do so briefly.

After using this rule since its inception, I find that while it
increases the resilience of super heavies, I think it could you a
"pinch" more.

I dont propose any sweeping changes, since the rule is good and simple.
I suggest only expanding the actual table so the number needed to
"destroy" is higher.

Modified table

1 - No effect
2-3 Light damage. The superheavy has -1 to hit penalty until repaired. A
second result similar to this produces HEAVY damage
4-5 Heavy damage. The superheavy has -1 to hit penalty until repaired
and the CAF bonus is halved. A second result similar to this DESTROYS
the unit
6. Catastrophic explosion, super heavy is destroyed. This result cannot
be repaired.

Also, it seems we forgot to mention that weapons with a damage bonus,
get to add it to the roll on this table (like the volcano cannon for

If people think its too much of a leap, we'll stick it in the optionas book.


Received on Thu Apr 14 2005 - 01:51:51 UTC

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