>Is that MS-Excel Points Cost Formula for NetEpic units still around...?
I used the following for my analysis:
Cost per unit = A*B+C+D+E+F+G+H
A=movement cost
B=Mode multiplier
C=Armor Save
D=Fixed Armor Save
G=weapon cost, based on range, shots, TSM and special effects
H=special abilities, some fixed cost, some based on usefulness
There was a really good post several years back -
http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/netepic/message/14059 - that went into the theory behind well-designed costs. I looked at developing such a system, then decided that there was too much inertia in the NetEpic community to change things that much. We've hashed out several of the severely over- and underpriced units, and new units are guesstimated against other units of similar abilities and usefulness. If you'd like to play around with a fomula please let me know how it comes out, as a comprehensive way to determine the cost of any given unit would be nice.
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Received on Thu Apr 21 2005 - 18:11:07 UTC