--- In netepic_at_yahoogroups.com, christophe henry <henry9924661j_at_y...>
> I join a picture of unit between TL and E40K.
> I need help to identify this vehicle:
> *3 Fighta Bomma : Fighta Bomma.jpg
> *3 Scorpion,Cobra ? : eldar Vehicle.jpg
> *1 Vampyre, Phoenix ? : Vampyre.jpg
> New unit for netEpic from SM1
> Tell me if i have already propose these units, i don't
> remenber.
> 1/Chaos Wound:
> 15 CM SAV: None AF:+2 Weapons:None
> It is classed as infantry for movement and hand to
> hand
> Card for chaos undividued:
> Value: 100 Morale: 1 , 5 Chaos Hound
> Model: Two model of hounds (Khorne Hounds from E40K)
> by socle.
> 2/Marine Jet-Bike:
> 35 CM SAV: None AF:+3 Weapons:Bolter 15 CM +6 1 -0
> It is classed as Anti-grav for movement and hand to
> hand
> Card for standart marine list:
> Value: 100 Morale: 2 , 5 Marine Jet-Bike
> Model: Two model of Jet-Bike by socle.
> The real model is hard to find (SM1 Jet-Bike in Metal)
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Attachement File Doesn't work, but people you want picture could send
me a mail.
Received on Tue May 17 2005 - 11:04:49 UTC